If Paris is selling it
can we assume that it has a salty aftertaste?
Those among you who've ever wanted to see a picture of a naked Paris Hilton sprawled out in the desert like a gold-plated strumpet are in luck, because here is that image: Paris Hilton naked, covered in gold paint and in the desert Yup, we know what you're thinking: why's the world's favourite heiress doing a Goldfinger in …
<wine pedant>
Er, Prosecco has been around for a long time in bottles and stands on its own merit (hic, pardon). It's never been one of the johnny-come-lately Champagne clones and is made from the Prosecco grape rather than the Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay used in Champagne and its copies (yeah, I had to look that latter up). Describing its not being called Champagne as an effort to avoid lawsuits from France is not only inaccurate but bloody ignorant as well.
I'd expect this sort of thing from PH (who probably describes Irn Bru as alcohol free champagne), but not you guys.
Having said all that, they deserve to be sued for putting it in tins.......
</wine pedant>
The whole point about this well-researched article is to provide us hard El-Reg students and contributers with a little well-deserved and welcome relaxation from decyphering all the rubbish that I type and, more importantly - from wondering when, how many records, about what, are about to be lost from which department next. So, in order to achieve this, the delightful Ms Hilton has chosen (JUST FOR US MIND) to pose seductively with a tin of something remotely alcoholic and leave us with a lingering subconscious message that she's about to pour it over herself and that she'd like us to lick IT off.
(and THAT's the IT angle).
They decided not to run with the advert where someone off camera shakes the tin hard & opens it close to her, as it would cause a huge reduction in water pressure as cold showers were turned on simultaneously in n million homes countrywide - apparently the energy companies can cope with this sort of surge (as it were), but not water companies.
I mean.. Prosecco IN A CAN?
You don't need to be PH's army of barristers'n'slaves to predict a veritable outpouring of legal papers between the Prosecco-police over here in Northern Italy.. Try convincing the Valdobbiadene producers that THAT goldeny stuff is proper Prosecco.
They'll sue The Hiltoness untile she's ..er... shirtless? then .....pantless? No, not that, damn....
Can we have a booze-angle icon? Please?
I guess all the binge drinking bimbos will want to start doing Champagne Bongs ("sparkling wine bong" just doesn't scan, sorry frenchies*).
Isn't there a facebook thing called "30 Reasons Girls Should Call It A Night” in which drunk girls in various states of shame and undress showcase themselves? I'm sure that crowd will love this stuff.
*not really sorry at all
I've seen those boobs, as have most men courtesy of the interenet, they are the worlds smallest breasts ever.
Someone, who should be ashamed of themselves, has used the morph tool in photoshop to give her a substantial pair of puppies.
This advert therefore beaks the Trade Descriptions Act.
Withdraw and grovel I say.
i dont think in the UK you can advertise alcohol beverages if they give the impression that they can make you more attractive to the opposite sex, so if her boobs are enhanced, does that mean drinking this gives you bigger boobs ?
Does it also work for men?
I mean it could have saved me a fortune I've spent years on pizza and vodka to get my man boobs where they are today.
either way I want it banned, unless she poses with natural tits.
This isn't the first time champagne has been sold in cans.
Apparently Moet et Chandon used to sell their product in cans. And it used to be endorsed by none other than Daniel Day Lewis.
But they ceased production as it wasn't popular enough.
As a show of appreciation they gave the Last of the Moet Cans to Daniel Day Lewis.
(I am so, so sorry)
Yer man A. Coward says:
>i dont think in the UK you can advertise alcohol beverages if they give the
> impression that they can make you more attractive to the opposite sex, so if her
> boobs are enhanced, does that mean drinking this gives you bigger boobs ?
> Does it also work for men?
Yes, it does -- one of well-known effects of prolonged concumption of alcohol is to give men bigger boobs.