White is right... sorta.
Actually, for medium to high operating altitudes during daytime, white is the correct color for stealth. Black is for night operations and for lower-altitude intimidation operations during the day.
A revolutionary* new robotic whisper-mode helicopter under development in America has crashed, according to reports. The A160T robot whisper-copter The US government's silent robot helicopter. Not black! What were they thinking? The A160T "Hummingbird" unmanned chopper was under development by US aerospace colossus Boeing …
An extra icon isn't needed.
The thing is unmanned! That just isn't scary. What is scary is men in black wearing night-vision goggles rappelling down to take you to where they "trained" the additional shooter used to assassinate Kennedy.
Unless there is a stonking great big gun underneath it'll be target practice for every tom, dick and harry with an assault rifle.
All black helocopters are born white. They turn black when their stealth grows in.
To be more specific, you want to paint your prototype unmanned stealth helocopter white for the same reason your toy airlpane is brightly colored, so you can locate it when it falls into brush after its first wobbly flight.
What do you mean that unmanned "just isn't scary?" Good grief man, haven't you been paying attention? There are killbots everywhere! This thing will be directing them! It's the Rise of the Machines! Don't be lulled into foolish complacency! They are planning our systematic eradication!
4 crashes in, what, 46 flights? This is appalling!!!
If this was a Blackhawk or an Osprey we wouldnt be able to move for investigative journalists! Its as if there is something "special" about losing a manned helicopter!!!
Plummet away, unmanned whirlybird, plummet away. We may mourn your crumpled shell, and the comparatively small dent you make in the ever burgeoning military capital budget, but nothing more - and thats not such a bad thing.
Obviously this White Silent Helicopter is to distract you from the Black silent helicopter, both of which distract you from the silent killbots sneaking up behind you... I predict doom... Killbot Doom I tells yer!!! silent Killbots choppers in white and black emblazoned with a mysterious glowing logo shaped like an apple... oh yes and its probably Americas fault.
I still wonder what the ultimate use of ground testing a helicopter is? OK, testing circuits, engine, etc, before flying off and pranging it makes sense, up to the "join-the-choir-invisible" moment. But building one JUST for ground testing seems a bit odd (unless they were testing colour-schemes (SO BLACK it hurts the eyes!!)).
*boffin hat on*
You ground test helicopters (and all aircraft) in order to test systems, engines, etc although these tests are usually done on aircraft that will be used later on in flight testing.
The helicopters/aircraft that are built PURELY for ground testing are your fatigue test helicopters/aircraft. Basically you simulate the pressure and load changes on an aircraft that it will experience throughout its life time and cycle it through thousands of cycles to find out at what point the structure will fail. At which point you cross your fingers, clench tight and hope like hell that its a larger number then what you've stated as your aircraft's expected working life!
*boffin hat off*