In Seppo land maybe..
it may have been the best. But as anyone with half a clue knows that the BBC Model B outshown the C6t4 in so many ways, such as the 16 paged roms it could access, the Econet network ability including file server and network printing, the Tube with it's ability to run things such as co-processors which took over the task from the built in 6502 CPU, even allowing 16 bit PC compaitbility, as well as video disc access, Teletext, a mouse and graphics package, the ability with language roms to program in other languages such as LISP and C, the first BASIC language with the ability to set up propr proceduring rather than subroutines.
But let us not forget the BBC's biggest ever contribution of all to computing. Without that machins abilities there would never have been one of the greatest games of all, namely Elite.