No Alien Sexpots
That would explain why Captain Kirk never went there. No shapely alien beauties to whom he could explain "this Earth thing called love".
Still, I reckon we should keep looking, just in case.
NASA boffins believe the space agency's solar-powered Martian droid rovers have found something interesting. They believe their discovery points to an increased likelihood of life on the Red Planet. "We're really excited about this," said NASA Mars-droid honcho Steve Squyres, according to the BBC. The search for ET goes on …
Yes Mars probes are routinely sterilised before launch, usually by popping them into an autoclave for several days.
However, this is a fairly recent procedure dating from Viking onwards; AFAIK none of the Mars landers launched by the Soviet Union were sterilised as the planet was thought to be completely barren. Although none of the Soviet probes returned any useful data from the surface, Mars 2, 3, 6 and 7 all landed on the planet.
Too true, have you seen the state of the place, rocks and debris all over the place.
A good dust and a once round with the vac would not at all go a miss.
The place is also already pink so at least it would not need decorating although it would probably end up with a nice rug, a floral pattened throw over the sofa, some scatter cushions and scented candles.
I'll get my coat, hung up by the door - which is never where I bloody leave it
Are they sure it's not the dessicant silica beads from the rover's packaging? Look nearby and they may find a small paper bag with "do not eat" written on it. :-)
@Anonymous Coward: (is this really one person?)
Some bacteria may survive, this one is tough as old boots:
Dunno what it would feed on if it got there, though.
Hypothetically there MIGHT be life on Mars which a machine found which SHOULD have held life at some point so there hope of finding something which MAY have been life at some point. Speculation about hypothetical arguments based on hope - outstanding.
I reckon NASA are about to submit a new budget request.