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  1. Eponymous Cowherd

    Windows Vista for Dummies ?

    Shouldn't that be "Windows Vista IS for Dummies" ?

  2. Stewart Knight
    Thumb Down

    Remove this book!

    I had the misfortune / stupidity to buy "Greetings in Jesus Name!: The Scambaiter Letters"

    Do yourself a favour and avoid like the plague.

    The author is a right self satisfied twit, who has that sense of moral high ground exemplified in the dimwits who want to bring the country to a standstill with fuel protests.

    Scam baiting should be left to law enforcement... or even to El Reg, not self appointed, smug git!

    The stories aren't even amusing, I stopped reading after the author had made a young lad get a tattoo, was being SERIOUSLY threatened by the tattoist who wanted paying.

    the lad wasn't even scamming, he'd asked for money, not tried to do a 419 scam!

    In the end, I came away with the impression that the real loser was the author.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    419 eater is better and free!

  4. Colin Millar
    Thumb Up

    Downloadable internet file

    Hahahaha - yes some people have strange ideas

    I would appreciate it though if someone could give me the URL for page 1 so I can start at the beginning and work through it methodically.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    re: Windows Vista for Dummies ?

    or is it "Windows Vista is made by Dummies".

    OK, I was wanting to do the "is for dummies" bit, but you beat me to it.

  6. Damian Gabriel Moran

    nevermind vista for dummies

    I want Ventriloquism for Dummies!

    the one with the mittens on string through the sleeves

  7. Jacob Reid
    Dead Vulture

    I hope that was a joke...

    Vi$ta for dummies? seriously... FFS, this is supposed to be geek gifts, not n00b gifts.

  8. Diogenies

    @ I hope that was a joke

    No not a joke, a true nerd woud never allow himself to be even in the same room as a Vista machine. By buying said nerd Vista for Dummies , the nerd can continue to avoid vista machines saying "RTFM" as he hands said book over

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