back to article Labour hit by another anonymous donor scandal

The Labour Party has been receiving secret donations from another anonymous donor. The party has already suffered from revelations that David Abrahams funnelled more than half a million pounds in donations through various intermediaries. Now, it seems Labour has also been taking money indirectly from Picsel founder Imran Khand …


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  1. Slaine
    Paris Hilton

    you just KNOW what I'm goning to say...

    ... and where's the Paris Hilton angle?

  2. frank denton

    Feudal System?

    Am I being cynical or are we returning to a feudal system where 'robber barons' screwed money from whatever source they could, paid homage/cash to the king and then were granted right and favours - to enable then to screw more money etc.etc.?

    It does seem that everyone associated with politics is some kind of shady-dealer/crook/liar. Maybe I should try harder to see the good in the world......

  3. amanfromMars Silver badge

    Fit for Purpose?

    I wonder what Mr Bean/Don Baloney will think to say about that.... oversight/ administrative error?. ..... "This is extremely regrettable, and I apologise,' he said in a statement." again?.....

    Shuffle the deck, Gordon dear, and deal A.N.Other hand we can all gaily dance to. PS.... Change the deck too. All those old cards are marked.

  4. Rich Silver badge
    IT Angle

    IT Angle?

    "Imran Khand's Picsel Technologies makes software that simplifies viewing content such as pdfs on mobile phones"

    You promised this story had an IT angle! Mmmm.... looks pretty tenuous to me.

    What next?....


    Paris Hilton was filmed last week in an orgasmic 10-in-a-bed sex romp. Armed with her microprocessor-controlled vibrator....

  5. Guy
    Thumb Down

    £180,000 well spent????

    Well that training course went well didn't it. Joe taxpayer spent £180,000 teaching labour politicians how to implement the new funding laws, which they obviously didn't liek so just ignored them. Can I have my money back please!

  6. Slaine
    Paris Hilton

    @ Rich


    But, my dear chap, sweet (arguably, in another thread, incredibly intelligent - although I doubt the rumours myself) Paris already has her very own T(IT) angle, albeit about 22 degrees off the vertical. That's why we love her so. That and the thought that she might bring out another movie, "one knight in Paris" has a nicely historical ring to it. Move over Sir Gala-Head.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Keep digging

    This story has a familiar ring to it. Ahh yes, it was from August....

    From August 27:

    "The main backer behind Muslim Friends of Labour, established in 2005 in Glasgow, was said to be Imran Khand, a locally based entrepreneur....It was suggested that by giving to the group rather than directly to the party, he was able - until now - to keep his identity as a Labour benefactor a secret."

    Keep digging, I think people don't just up an donate 15 million to the labour party, or lend it a further 14 million when the banks won't lend it any more. And STs story just adds relish to the main meat.

  8. supermeerkat

    They gave, so what might the Government give them?

    Lucrative contracts for public services operations? A greenlight on building houses in green belts? Knighthoods?

    But wait, I'm being cynical. They gave the government large sums of money and expected nothing in return.

  9. Anonymous Coward

    Politians are cheap!

    If you look at the sums involved, and what you get in return, politicians and political parties are very, very cheap.

    £5K, £50K or even £500K isn't really that much money (in context it's petty cash), and yet you seem to get senior government people to bend over backwards for it.

    You'd think people with the incomes of most of these politicos and their advisers would have a better sense of proportion when it came to cash, but I guess they're just greedy.

    Personally I'd be tempted to give each of the major parties £500K in 'dubious' circumstances just for the laugh of later informing the press about it and watching the fallout. Then again, for that kind of cash there's probably better entertainment to be had. Though the press coverage is probably well worth the investment!

  10. Chris Morrison

    How come...

    This story isn't on the BBC website or anywhere? Seems pretty hush hush, and give it's been about since september how come it didnt get dragged up more when the harriet harman or wendy alexander thing was doing the rounds?

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @Chris Morrison

    >> how come it didnt get dragged up more when the harriet harman or wendy alexander thing was doing the rounds?

    I refer you to comments in and by the Jewish Chronicle on the Abrahams business.

  12. Colin Millar

    @frank denton

    What do you mean "returning to"?

    Same old same old more like

  13. John Mcdonald

    I have the perfect solution ....

    Just take them all out at the crack of dawn and execute them .... Wouldn't take long to clean up politics .... Perhaps then we'd see an improvement all around ......

  14. Eileen Bach

    IT angel- yes angel!

    The IT, 'Internets', will ensure public interest news is distributed and discussed and discussed. IT could save the worlddddddddd.Probably.

  15. Ascylto


    And how, pray, does this fit with Sharia Law?

  16. breakfast
    Thumb Up


    >> It does seem that everyone associated with politics is some kind of shady-dealer/crook/liar. Maybe I should try harder to see the good in the world......

    Maybe I should try harder to become an MP. Sounds like easy money.

    >> Personally I'd be tempted to give each of the major parties £500K in 'dubious' circumstances ...

    How do you get to be an MP anyways? Sounds like a great job.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @Chris Morrison

    All the major parties are up to similar tricks - take a look at how Ashcroft channeled £34 million from a Belize business into the Tory party. If any of them started asking questions it'd be mutually assured distruction.

  18. Gary

    Slush Fund

    I'd say that this explains the "apparent"ease with which illegal immigrants/asylum seekers are flooding into this country and the delay of effective enforcement bodies or legislation to stop them. The more Gordon the Gopher allows in, the more will vote next fiasco, ooops sorry,election. Have another miilon me old Gopher, and I'll soon have those cheapo labour countrymen of mine working for a pittance for me, and subsidised by you and your brain dead countrymen/women. Who lives in a country like this? Gordon,it's over to you!!!!

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