You really have NO idea of what a "police state" is do you?
It is NOT a state where people obey the police (or even their impostures).
It IS where the police can be the ones setting the laws, determining guilt, and executing punishments - with no legal recourse.
Even as policed as the UK is, that is quite not the case, as recent payouts by the Met and UK governments for police transgressions have proven. In a true police state, the officers that shot Menezes wouldn't have even undergone an investigation. In fact, in a real police state his shooting never would have made it into the papers or TV newscasts, as the police would have detained all the media and confiscated all cameras.
In historical terms, both the US and the UK are remarkably free from police malfeasance...for proof, try visiting North Korea or Iran or even Russia right now and criticizing the police or government. Go ahead, and tell us about it when you get out of jail in 15 years...