back to article Larry Page to wed on Branson's luuurv island

Larry Page, the multi-gazillionaire co-founder of evil search empire Google will this weekend tie the knot on Richard Branson's sun-kissed Caribbean enclave of Necker Island, Reuters reports. Six hundred guests will be whisked in private jets to see Page, 34, say "I do" to Lucy Southworth, according to the New York Post, while …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    This article is....

    too smarmy for its own good. It sounds like a "Hollywood Extra" TV show or a copy of the National Inquirer - (or the SUN)

  2. Mark Roome


    good sub-title though Lester, keeping up the Reg standards I see.

    Well done that man.

  3. Lyndon Hills
    Thumb Up


    maybe, but what a sub-headline...

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @ George - smarmy

    Ingratiating with whom exactly? I support El Reg's pointy stick approach to Google, who appears not to have a conscience and needs one?

  5. amanfromMars Silver badge

    Having cake and eating it?

    Google and Virgin ......Hmmm. Hasta la Vista?

  6. brian korn


    Is this Fark or TheReg? Had part of my honeymoon on near-by Peter Island. Better named for this type of event. Seeing as 600 people need to be in attendance, and Peter is private, would not be surprised to see it caught up in the melee.

  7. lglethal Silver badge
    Thumb Down

    Eco friendly what?

    I wonder how they will spin private jetting 600 people to a private island so that Branson and Page still come across as Eco-friendly to the mass media...

  8. DZ-Jay


    >> Larry Page, the multi-gazillionaire co-founder of evil^H^H^H^H search empire Google

    There, fixed it for you.


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