@50 MW?
Are the only worries imaginary? ...... http://cryptogon.com/ .... and being pushed to maintain a monetary/capitalist power base?
After all, the thinking is that without cash you can do very little, is it not? Some would have you believe that without it, you can do nothing, which is a very subversive, artificially created control....... with everyone born/borne into its slavery and/or perverse addiction.
How very convenient whenever you can print your own and have everyone believe it is absolutely necessary. The danger is, of course, that the ruse be rumbled for then the great unwashed will be wondering why they are not given what they need if it is as simple as printing paper, as it is. Which is what is unravelling before our very eyes in the sub-prime, credit crunching markets at the moment. The wheels have come of the wagon and the vessel is sinking to the bottom.
And the proof of the pudding? Well, nobody really is being greatly effected by the billions in losses*, are they, with some of the key executives sitting in charge at the top, moving on/stepping down/being retired with mega million bonuses. A little too embarrassing to have them still retain their position after having been so successful in shifting all that toxic waste onto unsuspecting friends....... http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/markets/united_states/article3007121.ece
The billions being "lost" are not actually real, are they, for have you ever met anyone who loses money? That therefore means that it is a virtual game being played very badly now, with the losers being those who think that money, or more accurately the constant lack of it, can control the masses rather than the never ending supply of it for our every wish so that our every wish can be granted and delivered with a New World Order System of Plentiful Supply.
It is not as if it is difficult to do only that the thought of all of those years of fat cat control and excess at the expense of everyone else may be a cross they have to bear in front of the crowd. And to deny it being so, is to have it further exposed as being exactly so.
Sitting in an Ivory Tower, Life is a Game...... but only when you play it well. The Present System does it worse than badly?
It is as well to suggest that the FiXXXX is being discussed at the highest of every level, for with Instant Global Communications are such messages instantly available and are obviously going to grow in number and frequency. So don't shoot the Messenger, whenever the problem lies with the recipient who would choose to ignore the message shared for fundamental action/Paradigm Change.
Who wants to be a billionaire?
Ok, rant over, move on, nothing to see here? Normal Service will be resumed as soon as possible. :-)
* Not greatly affected? Well, all those who can least afford it, are again being threatened with even more sacrifices/scaremongering/interest rate changes/tightening of belts to perpetuate the myth. Definitely a very perverse and callous System in Dire Straits need of a Radical Change.