Whats the problem?
I don't know about England, but in America posted speed limits are complete bollucks, and 20 over is often reasonable. Real safety issues are related to driver attentiveness, defensive driving, maintaining an "out", safe distances, visibility, etc. But because these are harder to enforce than just sitting around with the speed gun on, bad driving practices are largely ignored, while speed limits are continuely decreased "for safety". Pretty soon we'll all be *really* safe driving everywhere at 20 fucking miles per hour.
To demonstrate the deepset mindset that low speed = safe, in my town they keep putting up hedgerows in the middle of roads for "traffic calming". Effectively decreasing safety, by lowering visibility, to scare drivers into driving slower? What kind of perverted retard thought of that one? The city openly admits accidents have gone up, but insist they are "safer accidents". That's great and all, but I am sure the motorcycles, pedestrians, and insurance companies that have been in these accidents disagree.
The solution is to actually pay cops to *drive around* looking for people breaking important rules (not yeilding, not following order in round abouts / stop signs, illegal lane usage), and take their licenses away! I always see soccer moms and elderly people compeletely break the rules, in front of police officers, because they don't even know the driving code, and get away with it.
I'm also a student pilot, and I've got to say the FAA rules make alot more sense. And they drill them into you. Every pilot is required to remember specifically what FAR's apply to specific circumstances, and remember them by number for their test. If you break a rule you are in serious risk of having your license revoked, which makes sense. If you can't understand/handle/follow the rules, you've got no business having a license! I've never even seen a complete book of road regulations!
Appologies for the rant. I'll grab my bat and head down to city hall now.