back to article Man opens Eee PC, adds internal USB ports

Want to boost the storage capacity of your Eee PC in a cheap and - more to the point - upgradeable way? Want to add Bluetooth while you're at it? Then follow the lead of one enterprising owner who added a pair of internal USB ports to the compact computer. The Eee PC's memory bay is also home to the machine's Mini PCI slot. …


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  1. Andrew Moore

    Sub head won't work across the water.

    The septics will read that as "Sodder of fortune"

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Wot? No picture?

    How come we have an Eeeeeeee PeeeeCeeeee story without our lovely photochopped beach babe?

  3. Joe Stalin


    An Eee story with out the gratitous pic of the blonde. Is the world about to end?

  4. Anonymous Coward

    well clearly, most people don't live on the beach

    but where are the pictures, or will their be holiday snaps coming soon?

  5. Ian Ferguson
    Thumb Down

    Dear Reg

    I would like to heartily complain about the lack of busty blonde Eeeeee-wielding model on this page. I hope you realise it's the only reason why the Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee is garnering so much attention on this site.

  6. Michael
    Thumb Down

    Sack the editor

    ridiculous where is the editorial changes to ensure that the blond beach babe is included. Clearly standards are dropping.

  7. Danny Traynor

    There appears to be...

    a theme appearing amongst these comments

  8. Chris
    Paris Hilton

    On holiday???

    Clearly, that means she 'works' at the beach. So where does such a person go on holiday - a factory?

  9. James
    Paris Hilton

    Re: Ian

    "I would like to heartily complain about the lack of busty blonde Eeeeee-wielding model on this page."

    Your definition of 'busty' must differ from mine.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Cancel My Subscription!!

    This is just shocking lack of editorial control. Where is the EeeeeePccccc Ladyyyyyyyy?!?!

    I am going to cancel my subscription!! :)

  11. Saucerhead Tharpe

    Am I the only one

    Who doesn't find the skinny lady that attractive? No harm to her but she is a tad emaciated.

  12. BlacKSacrificE
    Thumb Down


    if you didn't have busty Eeeeeeeeeeeee chickieEeeeeeeeeeeee set as your desktop wallpaper before the original article featuring those loverly jubs had even finished loading as i did, you are all suckers. SUCKERS.

    neat hack btw! ^_^

  13. Andrew Badera
    Thumb Up


    Awesome to see getting some coverage, and fantastic to see JohnX getting some coverage for his work. Work building on, incidentally, work by tristand and tinkergrl.

  14. Anonymous John

    Re Wot? No picture?

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    @Saucerhead Tharpe

    Yes, you're the only one - and possibly a closet chubby-chaser. Those thighs betray evidence of cellulite. Some of us prefer 'em rather more svelte than that.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton


    As mentioned before - she is a hottie and needs to be included in every story relating to the eee pc - that is what I paid the money for

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    These comments are definitely not P C

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Twisted pairs

    No, not *that* pair! I mean the wires. I'd seriously suggest twisting together the USB data pairs to improve data integrity. One method would be to buy a USB 'extension' cable and chop it up, leaving just the "A female" (ooh-err) end and a tail of wire. Solder the tail to the motherboard.

  19. Anonymous Coward

    What PC?

    I've been reading these articles and until today didn't even see a PC.

    Must've been an optical illusion

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