@ Tim, a summary of his post...
Tim said: 1. Nielsen's stats don't include Wal-Mart sales apparently for a start. Probably a number of others.
Ok, so we can’t use the stats to talk about who is winning because the stats are wrong.
Tim said: 2. They are just US stats. Funny enough, there is a world outside the US borders ;-) (and the only stats available for outside the US are mostly BDA spun stats).
The stats are wrong. Points 1 and 2 are the same point.
Tim said: 3. All current sales stats anyway are based on sales as a result of player purchases made many months back. There's a whole new batch of HD DVD players on the market now creating quite a buzz (not just the $99 'dumped' players), especially in Europe,
The stats are wrong and old. Point 3 is the same point as 1 and 2.
Tim said: but nothing new in the Blu-Ray camp other than the PS3 which is getting hammered by the Wii anyway.
You made a mistake here. The Wii can’t play HD-DVD movies as you imply. Chocolate candies are also outselling the PS3. Most US households have more than 1 chocolate candy in them. PS3s are getting killed by the sale of chocolate candies. Of course, you can’t play Blu-ray or HD-DVD discs on a chocolate candy, is it doesn’t really apply here.
Tim said: 4. To put things in perspective: HD DVD and Blu-Ray sales combined account for less than 2% of all sales if you include DVD.
Ok, so the number of Blu-ray and HD-DVDs being sold is still small.
Tim said: 5. Finally... no movie format can survive on the basis of one player alone (i.e. the PS3), more so when it is seen in the minds of Joe Public as a games console. It doesn't matter if Blu-Ray is winning 99:1.
Ok, so if Blu-ray disc sales outsell HD-DVD 99:1, you don’t consider that winning? Point number 5 is: We can’t use the stats to determine who won which is very similar to points 1, 2, and 3.