Try Mario Part 8
"for about a fortnight and then got bored of it."
We're playing Mario party 8, it's consumed many many fun filled nights, so I doubt what your saying is true given my first hand experience of the console. (MP8 is a turned based game where you compete in minigame tournaments to gain coins to buy stuff. It's a party game, best played in groups. We're only about 20% way through the game)
"and the lack of accuracy doesn't lend itself to long term gaming."
The controller also has the usual arrow keys and buttons on it, so it can be used like a normal ('accurate' as you call it) controller (and is for some of the minigames in MP8).
"The Wii went into a cupboard or onto eBay. "
Yet the eBay numbers don't back your claims up.
I think it's just sour grapes. Sony and Microsoft outdid each other to make a console that would render the most polygons, and the public decided more fun was not more polygons. Well that's what happens when you don't listen to your customers.
Nintendo made the best call.
Sony's boost is likely temporary on the back of a price cut of something, like the XBox blip on the back of Halo3.