back to article Chilean hooker plans 27-hour charity sexathon

A Chilean prostitute has caused a bit of a stir by selling 27 hours of rumpy-pumpy in aid of tomorrow's annual TV Teletón campaign for the country's disabled kids. Maria Carolina, as seen on her website According to the Santiago Times, big-hearted hooker María Carolina (seen right) said: “I will work during the time that the …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    Nope, too easy !

    Not even a challenge.


    I'm thinking a few though.....


  2. stu

    last turkey in the shop

    From the look of 'her' I'd want be checking I wiz getting what I was paying for....

    And pity the poor bastard who's last.

  3. Anonymous Coward

    Children in Need

    If they did that kind of thing on Childreen in Need every year, I might actually watch it!

  4. Anonymous Coward

    Dear god no

    She look like a tranny in that pic

  5. lansalot


    Great idea !

    I'd be only too willing to put my hand in my pocket on this occasion !

    Keep it up !

  6. Paul

    And I thought...

    El Reg comments couldn’t go any more down hill… How wrong I was.

    I continue to be stunned by what actually gets past the moderator, although it is just after lunch...

  7. Alan Donaly
    Thumb Up

    Think of the children

    Well I guess she did good for her.

  8. Chris Collins

    That's a man, baby

    What, there's a moderator? There are actually comments that don't get posted? The mind boggles.

  9. Sir Runcible Spoon
    Paris Hilton

    @kindly pointers

    Thanks very much. I have my browsing list for the evening once I get off this work pc :D

  10. Spleen

    Oh dear

    I think around hour 12 the event will need to be renamed from "Charity Sexathon" to "Charity Stick-Your-Meat-In-A-Grilled-Cheese-Sandwich-Athon".

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    There is a reason...

    The escorting profession in UK may be legal however the News of the World would have a field day if anyone showed their head above the parapet by doing something nice like this. Most escorts would love to be able to help out like this - they are not the "drug-addict streetwalkers" of the popular press, they are frequently nice, intelligent girls who have worked out they can earn waaay more money doing this than working in an office and probably having to sometimes give it way for favours! However the hypocritical gutter press will pounce on any story involving sex (and money - look whats happening to Sophie thingywhatsit) and any girl with an ounce of common sense will avoid the unwanted publicity. (Speaking as one of the top designers of escort websites - posted anon of course! PH icon for obvious reasons ;) )

  12. Uwe Dippel

    Slashdotted - oh, sorry theregistered

    Both links are pretty much out from here, the one given in the text even worse.

    If you can (and want to) read in Spanish about this strange creature equipped with a good sense of self-marketing, try


    (though not much to be seen there)

  13. Marco

    Relation between news item and quality of comments

    The closer a Reg news item gets to sex, the worse are punctuation and grammar in the comments.


  14. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton


    Everyone gets too excited to think properly.

  15. Rob


    Are you saying we all turn into drooling fools.... DaNM...keyboRaD shORTZiNG OUT

  16. Eileen Bach


    If I wanted to read this sort of smut I could go elsewhere to another website, thank you. Back soon.

  17. Daniel B.
    Paris Hilton


    Hm... at least the Mexican "Teleton" is a load of crap, if *this* was part of it I might actually watch it!!

  18. Anonymous Coward

    Someones got to say it

    Pics, or it's not going to happen...

  19. Sir Runcible Spoon

    @Eileen Bach

    Have you gone to look at the other sites then?

  20. b166er


    Don't click the link Eileen?!

    Any relation to Richard (the author)?

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @@Anonymous Coward

    "She look like a tranny in that pic"

    You Know some of us that read this rag are transgender

  22. Scott Mckenzie


    I'm not entirely sure there was anything derogatory mentioned by the person saying that.... no offence intended etc

    She's going to be mighty sore after that feature has finished too surely????

  23. Ian McNee
    Thumb Up

    One-handed Reg stories...

    ...I would suggest explains most of the poor typnig, speeling adn garmmer, and this is a classic example of the genre, long may it conintue, longer even than a greasy mouse-jockey with a stash of cut-price spam viagara, a large tub of Flora and a firm grip on the non-mousing side.

    As for the comments about Senorita Carolina's sex/gender perhaps these say more about what excites the posters: you protesteth too much? Bless! :)

  24. Jason Y.

    This reminds me of...

    The little-known Japanese AIDS telethon, as detailed here- - far more exciting than this.

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