Home Secretary
A Martian might observe that the job comes with the requirement to simulate a passive/aggressive persona.
We have had Blunkett the tender-underneath-caveman, Clarke the (hassled-)man-in-a-pub-with-too-much-to-do-but-in-dire-need-of-a-drink-anyway, Straw the (unhassled-)gook-with-the-i-can-grind-this-claptrap-out-longer-than-you-and-even-in-my-sleep attitude (well in place when he shook Mugabe's hand), Reid the et-tu-brute-up-yours-apparatchik. And so on.
Having seen the present incumbent operating over the extension to terrorist detention, and now here, she appears to be rapidly developing a no-point-asking-me-anything-I'm-just-a-stupid-woman-what-else-do-you-expect-really simulation. You should be able to predict her progress, tho YMMV.
All preconstructed and carefully assembled, of course, for the hyperreal. The borg/zombie of reality is not allowed.