Don't count us out yet!
A couple of comments. While only 2 parties may not give us a lot of choice, it does help prevent the tail wagging the dog when a small faction joins a larger faction to create a government. You end up with a very small group dictating policy. We have the same problem with the religious-right/neo-conservative whackos in the Republican party... I pray that someday the Republican party goes back to being a sane party dedicated to doing what is right, rather than what it must do to appease these idiots.
No one party will always maintain power. This is the blind spot of the Republican party and their puppet masters Carl Rove, Tom Delay, Newt Gingrich and all non-indicted co-conspiritors... Even with redistricting of congressional districts, purging of voter records, K-Street money and stuffing of the judical branch, they still lost the last election by historical numbers!
What gives me hope, and lets me sleep at night is knowing that one day, maybe soon, we will have a Democrat (possibly Hillary) in the White House with ALL that power that the Republicans have been so eager to give to the President.
America does not have a crisis with its education of math and science as cited by the pundits, it has a civics crisis where students are not taught how to be critical consumers of information and judge the information based upon real American values as set forth within the Constitution... such as popular speech does not require protection, it is the unpopular speech that does (Watch Dixie Chicks video "I'm Not Ready To Make Nice") or the protection of the minority from the tyranny of the majority... or the separation of Church and state!
Can you believe in a recent Presidential debate the candidates were asked what their favorite BIBLE PASSAGE was? It made my stomach turn... I would have answered, Render unto Cease that which is Ceaser's and unto God, that which is Gods!"