why stop there?
why stop there? i can think of loads of place names that are spelt wrong or in the wrong place altogether up here in north wales. there are even some roads missing completely
Google has brought the idea of user-generated content a step further with its plans to allow users to edit Google Maps to make it more accurate. The new functionality will allow those with a Google account to make changes to markers, which indicate business or residential listings on Google's local maps service, dragging them …
I'd appreciate being able to add in roads, for example, the one where I live (so that visitors could find us). Also details of the usability of roads, you know, like impassable for large vehicles; steep, single track with no passing places; potholed to resemble Bosnia/Iraq; Closed for resurfacing; floods easily;
Paris angle: Could give her location like that machine on last weeks Mighty Boosh
This feature is a sensible step and will improve the accuracy of searches for Google Local, especially in areas with 'large' postcode footprints (retail parks, rural areas etc).
The adding of roads that aren't currently shown will come in, but it all depends on the type of data purchased by Google, just because it's there doesn't mean it will be purchased and displayed. Try ViaMichelin or similar (www.viamichelin.co.uk) for more detailed rural coverage.
This repositioning of POI is going to be a blessing for anyone who regularly has to travel to out of the way places!