They must be...
...taking the piss.
Boom boom!
Nicole Richie is backing an invention which may protect America's lampposts from premature destruction by corrosive mutt piss - a "dog urinal" which channels the deadly liquid safely into the gutter. According to highly dubious reports in the US press, Richie is well impressed with Swedish inventor Lennart Jarlerbro's cunning …
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They use ammonia to help keep latex adhesive liquid, yeah? And what does stale urine decay into? Oh yes! Ammonia. So they're going to last a good while these little rubber cups you're going to have at just the right height to catch chihuaha (cannot be *bothered* to look up the spelling for the stupid, pointles little rats) *or* Great Dane pee when they cock a leg?
A Teflon sheath for the bottom three feet, perhaps but a "cup" made of rubber? The inventor would be off his swede if he lived in any other country.
If the authorities actually stumped up a bit of ratepayers' money and bought a can or two of paint once a year, they could protect their lamp posts for much longer. There's no shortage of young offenders doing Community Service.
@AC, 3rd post: Ladies are fine just going in the street anyway. Haven't you ever heard of squatters' rights?