I love vegetarians and vegans
with a few seasonal vegetables and a decent chutney sauce.
Seriously though, it's always handy to know that if we ever get a global famine there are people around who have voluntarily placed themselves lower in the food chain than the rest of us.
Vegetarian Cooking: "First catch your vegetarian..."
@ Lloyd and Evil Graham: Brilliant!
Youngdog, you ought to be ashamed, making me nearly spit my latte all over my computer screen.
Why am I not surprised at all the Red Dwarf quotes? Probably because it was the first thing to cross my mind as well, when I saw dog's milk listed as an alternative.
OK, so we get rid of the dairy farms and start rat farms instead - I gather Miss Mills, towering intellect that she is, has already done all the research and determined that rats (while eating a strictly vegetarian diet) are more efficient milk producers than cows and we would not need to use as much pasture to produce the same volume of milk. Hmmmm?
Nope, didn't really think so. Love the dog/cat milk plan, instead of getting the cows to eat grass to produce milk, we could get the cows eating grass to become pet food so we can feed the dogs and cats who eat grass. Bound to be more efficient, right?
When it comes to Miss Mills and other frothing-at-the-mouth "meat is murder" loonies, I look to the words of "Speaker-to-animals" (later, "Chmee") who asked "How much intelligence does it take to sneak up on a blade of grass?" and later said "Ah, so that is an example of the intelligence used to sneak up on a blade of grass."
Thank you, Heather, for showing the world exactly how much intellect is required to sneak up on a blade of grass.
(And thank you, Larry Niven, for Chmee)