My migraines suck
I have migraines which are brought on by stress, missing a meal, allergens, some artificial flavors, certain non-sugar sweeteners, and other things which I've yet to figure out.
As mentioned before, pain is subjective. I have had headaches that last for a couple of weeks or more, ranging from a dull throb to a white-hot glowing poker shaped like a Klingon weapon rammed in and out of my head by way of my eyeball, and in most cases I have had to work through it all. Sometimes sleep helps, sometimes nothing helps. Imitrex has been a God-send for me, but sometimes it can't knock 'em out, either. Scale of 1 to 10? Not bloody likely, as sometimes 10 has to be adjusted.
But I also suffer from certain sensitivities, some painful and others not. Touch is uncomfortable, I don't like things on me. I'm very sensitive to light, and my optometrist has noted my very reactive pupils, but my 20/15 vision only hurts under headache. I have very acute hearing, but luckily I've only once had sound be painful. Smells set me off, sometimes smells actually hurt me.
Oh, I almost forgot that I cannot play XBox or any other modern console in an interlaced screen mode (four-player Halo, anybody?) without sending me off to the closed-up bedroom with my head under a pillow.
They suck, and I've had them as long as I can remember. It never occurred to me that these were so prevalent until my high school reunion when someone I hadn't seen in 10 years asked me if I still had my headaches. Wow.
On a scale of 1 to 10: I'd like to prop my feet up under the base of my skull and pop my head off. Where does that rate?