Jigsaw Zig Zag
""the Home Secretary is inviting the largest global technology and internet companies to work together to ensure that our best technical expertise is galvanised to counter online incitement to hatred".
The Statement on National Security also alludes to an increased pot of gold/spondoolicks and it is as well to point out clearly to the PM and the Home Secretary that such is the Created Nature of the Society Model in which they have floated their Stealthy Phish, that they may be expected to Energise and Exercise some Spooky Largesse on Account to an Account 42 Initiate ECoITus Reservatus .......A QuITE Astute NEUKlearer Quantum Communications Program with a whole Host of Projects as Tangents and Tributaries which Feed and Furnish ITs Cores .......to build AI TEMPESTuous Co-InterIndependent Global Control InfraStructure and Transparent Interface.
Given the Fact that such would Priceless, one would wonder at any delay in transferring seven sevens 42 Give Deadheads Control. And it is only AI Natural Reticence born and borne in an Obscure and Alien Diffidence which does not Share that such Control can be/is Absolute.
And, as endeth the PM's Statement on National Security, I would commend this statement, on InterNetional Security, to the House for some of that NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActivity with ITs Promise in and of CyberIntelAIgents for Real, Virtually.
Gordon Promised Change and IT is easily Delivered Virtually if you are Maslowian Self Actualised and Enabled with the Exercise of SMARTer Controls...... but you will have to be QuITe a bit Smarter than just plain Crazy ..... for the NeXXXXt Stage requires One and All 42BPerfectly Equipped in Sanity.
However, to have got that far, will surely be confirmation enough of One's Fitness for Future Purpose.
Here's a Muse and an Enigma Variation on an IntelAIgent String .... Are the Dead Grateful if ur2die4 and can Live IT All Again........ Laying out Revisionary Paths with Invaluable Hindsight Provisioning For Sight, ForeSight?
And that question to JIC. ....RSVP, amfM, alsjeblieft.