What you get is what you get
Having worked for a FORTUNE 100 firm for many years before going indie, I was VERY surprised at what other employees did with their company-issued computers.
The underlying fact was: with the exception of myself, my wife and two of our friends, the rest of our corporate associates used their company supplied PC for ALL their personal business/pleasure. The reason: they did NOT OWN a personal computer!
This stunned me at the time: we all were VERY highly paid (bonuses as large as our base salary), and could easily afford a personal laptop or desktop at home. Yet the general consensus was "hey, the company GAVE this to me, so I'm not going to spend MY money for a computer!"
No one (except the aforementioned) felt they had to pay for an Internet connection if the company gave them one. I mean, even at US$60/mo (for a DSL/cable line back then), it wasn't like they couldn't afford it. (We were paying US$300/mo for a decent commercial-grade symmetric line to our home - I figured that it was worth the cost to make working from home as easy as working from the office.)
This reflected greed and a lack of respect from BOTH parties. Screw the company for all you can get/screw the employee for all you can get. The employee runs an eBay store from corporate equipment; the company makes the employee get up at 04:30 to attend a useless 05:00 meeting - because the "boss" lives in Ohio, but his team lives in Los Angeles, and he wants to leave early to play golf.
(BTW, HR was the worst about disrespecting the employees. After a week of HR phone calls at 04:00 because that's when HR started to work on the east coast, I asked my HR rep to please contact me later. Her response: "Why don't you live in Ohio like the rest of us?" 'Nuff said...)