"...Copyright is NOT A RIGHT TO SOLE PROFIT..."
Not exactly, it is the right to make copies, you can give them away if you want, but you have the right to sell them. You can also exercise the right to not act like a dick when people use images of you.
"...All the arsehole accountants are telling people with "copyright" that they cannot let someone else make money off "their" work..."
Regardless of what accountants say, people have the right to not have others profit from their work if they don't want them to, although there should be wider scope for legally protected fair use and people like Prince should know when to just shut up.
"...Accountants and the rich are piss-scared of someone else making money. That money rightly belongs to THEM!..."
Actually accountants love it when people make money, because people with money need accountants to tell them what to do with the money.
"...Did you learn how to mix a track? Did you learn how to play Guitar, did you make it yourself. Did you do all this without someone else using THEIR "IP" to teach you?..."
In the case of Prince, (AFAIK) yes, yes, yes and yes, for at least one of his albums. Even if he did get someone to mix or play on the record for him, that is a service he paid for, offen performers opt to take a fixed payment rather than a performers royalty.
"...So why the fuck should YOU make money off THEIR work in teaching you or making your music sound good? Why ONLY YOU?..."
Do you pay your teachers for their IP? No, thought not. Why should you make money from the education they gave you?
"...When you flush your lavvie, do you pay your plumber for the benefit you have recieved in not having a shit-filled toilet? ..."
No, but when you buy the toilet, as with most inventions that are patented, for the duration of the patent, you do pay the inventor of the flush mechanism and the designer of the toilet (or the company for who they worked.) a fee for their design IP.
It's all about being reasonable, Prince does have some right to protect his image, he has recently been going far to far. You seem to be the opposite extreme in that you seem to be opposed to anyone making any money from their skills or creativity and unless you live in a Marxist state that isn't going to work.