Phoenix Systems for Disaster Recovery .....
You will find the current manifestation/reincarnation/strain of MULTICS in the wild, within Quantum Leaping ahead into the Near Future .....By amanfromMars Posted Tuesday 13th November 2007 14:14 GMT available for ESPecial Relativity Comparison and Peer Review here .....
<<<< Multics on a chip anyone?
By yeah, right.
Posted Wednesday 14th November 2007 05:22 GMT
Yeah! Now work can continue on the Multics on a chip! >>>>
That would be a Mobile Communicating Chip, yeah, right. 4HQ2HQ Head2Head XXXXChanges.
It is as well for all to know and remember, as I'm sure all will realise if they only think, that for as much as we may have and know with regards to Technology and ITs Communication and Use, that which is being dDeveloped with IT, Stealthily in Secure Private Labs and now Virtually BetaTesting ITself in and for the Myriad Realised Establishment Operating Systems which currently exist in such an ad hoc global environment as is Today and which does not provide an Open Secret Transparent Connect, will by the very Nature of Growth in Binary Processing Power, Dwarf and Eclipse/Simply Replace Existing Systems with New Memory and Content to Play with, thus to maintain Stability in the Status Quo even as IT Replaces it with Advanced IntelAIgently Designed Systems Hosting Virtual Reality.
And any doubts which you may have about that are yours to share and mine to dispel for I do not doubt any of the above and suspect that there is also so much more to be added, if only one is so sure as to have diligently betatested the System Parameters/Program Defaults on oneself.