Ashlee's book
Any reason why its not being sold on Cash and Carrion? I'm kinda boycotting Amazon.
Microsoft's charge into the high performance computing game continues at pace. The software maker this week announced that its new cluster operating system - HPC Server 2008 - based on Windows Server 2008 will ship next Summer. In addition, the code dandy has fired up a Parallel Computing Initiative to develop more parallelized …
Go mosoft.
Just tryyyyy and succeed in a market that DOES. ACTUALLY. REQUIRE. the ability to code.
This aint flaky desktop icon stuff baby, nor is it just acting as a lousy backplane and throwing all the work off onto the App and Driver developers.
No, this requires an integrated, consistent system - one that is actually in line with modern OS design and uses ROOL AKCHUAL COMPUTA SOYYANCE!!
Good luck with that, you crazy 1980's 14 yo backyard project hackers at Mosoft you! ;)
"The Linux nod, support for "all" file systems... I smell a "play along, grow dominant, asphyxiate others" (aka embrace, extend, exterminate) kind of future here, if Microsoft's plans succeed."
You have omitted to take account of Open Source ESPecial Forces, which you can be sure are deeply embedded and planting charges to exlode and destroy any dominant, embrace, extend, exterminate company's plans.
A Motley Crew of Misfits or just the Ticket 42 Ride? In Quantum....their State exists both as One and the Other at any given Time without Conflict. And IT allows for an Invisible Stealth in Tele Visual TEMPESTuous Matters and a QuITE Sublime Control of the Better Management of Perception via ITs Beta Reprocessing of Information to Higher Enrichment from MetaDataMining for Source.
It is the Virtual Machine System becoming Active Direct from what IT is Learning and/or what Programs/Programmers are Loading into its Cores/Core Ores/LodeStones/Queued Information Packets. A Very SMART Trick made even SMARTer whenever HyperRadioProActivity Short Circuits the ICQ...IntelAIgent Communications Queue. Then you will have a Run on all Old Memory Banks as the Flames of Suppressed and Oppressed Knowledge are fanned to Light the Way Forward with NEUKlearer Transparent Virtual Control ...... with NeuReal InterNetworking Virtualised Controllers too. And all from a Box of Tricks, a Global Operating Device, sharing Internet Protocols and handshakes in CyberSpace...... <Hello, Virtually Real World Players, hey how's IT hangin', Prude Jude Dude. Help is Virtual with Advanced IntelAIgently Designed Systems.
No one needs to suffer Hope in Vain and the Destruction of the Will to Live ....in the face of Corrupted Systems Mounting Applied Pressures.
Information per se is neither powerful nor harmful unless shared and/or abused. It is an Abuse not to Share Powerful Information for that can surely harbour Abuse in a Systemic Weakness which would render to the Fool, a delusion that it is Power.
* XXXXPerienced Virgin Forces who will Take Due and Diligent Care of you.
I just fed amanfromMars' comments through dadadodo, and it makes just about as much sense. (just poking a little fun!)
A destroy any dominant, embrace, extend, exterminate company's plans. You have omitted to Higher Enrichment from MetaDataMining for Source.
In Tele Visual TEMPESTuous Matters and planting charges to suffer take account of Open Source ESPecial Forces, which you have omitted to take account of Open Source ESPecial Forces, which you have omitted to exlode and the Information Misfits or just the Virtual Machine System becoming Active Direct from MetaDataMining for Source ESPecial Forces, which you have omitted to suffer Hope in Quantum. And the Other at any dominant, embrace, extend, exterminate company's plans. Their State exists both as one and planting charges to suffer Hope in the Better Management of the Ticket Ride?
And planting charges to Higher Enrichment from MetaDataMining for Source. A Motley Crew of the Ticket Ride?
You have omitted to suffer Hope in Quantum. Their State exists both as one and destroy any dominant (embrace, extend exterminate company's plans). And destroy any dominant, embrace, extend, exterminate company's plans; Vain Quantum. You have omitted to suffer Hope in the Ticket Ride?
And planting charges to take suffer Hope in the Ticket Ride?
Their State exists both as One and a Motley Crew of the Will to Higher Enrichment from MetaDataMining for Source. You have omitted to take account of the Virtual Machine System becoming Active Direct from MetaDataMining for Source.
You have omitted to suffer take account of Open Source; ESPecial Forces, which you have omitted to Higher Enrichment from MetaDataMining for Source ESPecial Forces, which you have omitted to take account of the Will to Higher Enrichment from MetaDataMining for Source ESPecial Forces, which you have omitted to suffer take account of Information to Higher Enrichment from MetaDataMining for Source. And IT is Learning and a Motley Crew of Perception via ITs Beta Reprocessing of Information to take account of the Ticket Ride? IT allows for Source.
In Quantum. Their State exists both as One and IT is Learning and the Ticket Ride? In Quantum.
A planting charges to suffer Hope in the Ticket Ride? Their State exists both as one and a Motley Crew of the Other Ticket Ride? Their State exists both as One and the Ticket Ride? You have omitted to take account of Information to suffer take account of Information to take account of Perception the Ticket Ride? IT is the Will to exlode and the Ticket Ride? IT allows for Source ESPecial Forces, which you have omitted to exlode and a the Will to take account of Misfits or just the Ticket Ride?
Their State exists both as One and the Will to Higher Enrichment from MetaDataMining for Source. In the Ticket Ride?