Pizza and Mountain Dew
Ahh... the only thing left to truly veg us. The Pizza and Mountain Dew delivey button... One click and life is simple...
Microsoft plans to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Xbox Live by giving away free games and MS points to the service’s gamers. Xbox_live_MS_points2 Gamers can buy Xbox Live MS points from shops The company said that Xbox Live’s 8m worldwide members will be able to download a free Xbox Live Arcade game. The giveaway starts …
Have to say, although i have both a 360 & PS3, I did notice that you couldn't download games directly from the 360 store... Bit odd, as the PS3 can.. (WarHawk) and I was assuming that with all of the usage the 360 Store has been getting, that this would have been a feature from the off..
Think someone somewhere on El Reg mentioned that Microsoft are always chasing the inovative tail of Sony...not 100% true, butt rue in some respects, and this looks to be the case here.