Face It, Apple TV is another FLOP like Newton, Cube and iPhone
NO ONE is buying Apple TV's, BestBuy even STOPPED inventorying them for store shelves. NO ONE is writing any 3rd party software for it and I don't know a single person that has ever bought one.
Face Apple Kool Aid Drinkers, this is a MEGA FLOP!
It wasn't even a First! It's an Apple iNOvation! I have had a D-Link High Resolution 1080 HD model 802.11g Media Lounge for 18 MONTHS before Apple even showed the Apple TV! It does everything that the Ape TV does and a LOT MORE! It links to D-Links network home Network Drives ... does Apple TV? NOT!
Make room on that dusty flop shelf at Apple, right next to all the others.... here comes Apple TV.