@ Fraser
Well your wrong,
here's why
Morality is relative to the culture and or individual, Morality is a subjective value;
In 1920's america forces sterilization of alcholics was law in certian states and many people percieved this action to be morally correct
In 16th Century South America many civilizations believed that it was morally imperitive to sacrifice members of the community to keep the sun from falling down.
In 19th Century Britain it was morally acceptable to many men to refuse women the right to vote.
The list could go on .
Here is the modern dilemma;
Some people believe that it is morally acceptable as middlemen to charge extortionate prices for copyright materials and then to only give a small percentage of the profit back to the artist.
Others believe in response to this Privateering that it is morally justifiable to download free versions of this copyrighted material because they are unwilling to be exploited.
Whatever you believe is right is your opinion not Law, or absolute moral truth because there is no such thing as moral truth and moral relativity. As for me i am of the persuasion that if someone does not have the money to afford DVD's and the like but are constantly being remined through marketing and social interaction that other people can have these things but they can't by virtue of their deprived upbringing (itself caused by wanton corporate profiteering and wealth centralization) in psuedo-liberal democracies then they have every right to 'fight the power' .