Some rubbish comments
It amazes me how willingly people give up their privacy for the vague boon of some added security. Yes, there is a thing like privacy, even in public. Nobody should watch through a camera how on a deserted street a woman adjusts her skirt or a man picks his nose.
The comments:
"Highly amusing that some people think it's okay for the police to watch everything we do, but not the general public. Where do policeman come from, then?"
There are chosen from the general public by their ability to understand the law and not abuse it. There is a reason why not everyone gets accepted for the job.
"It used to be the case that you would get a clip round the ear from your neighbour (As a kid) if they caught you up to no good, which instilled in you a sense of morality. Now if you complain to someone about there kid you get "'ts not your business what he’s doing. Who do you think you are? The police?'"
If somebody's child does something wrong you are not going to install common decency into it through a camera. Teaching manners, at least in my time, was the parents' job.
"@policing on the cheap: This scheme is a sort of modern version of the days before we had a police force, when the community regulated crime. Of course back then people were out in the streets, and sorted out any bad behaviour. I think it's sad that society has given up on self-regulation and is leaving it all to teh cops. We have a role in regulating antisocial behaviour too, whether you like it or not."
The reason that we have a police force is to discourage people from taking the law into their own hands. Now you want to watch neighbours through cameras, when are you going to call for public hangings when the majority of a street's neighbourhood agress on it?
"You can't moan about privacy when you're walking around the friggin' high street. There's tons of people already who have their own cameras pointing out their window recording you walk past their car/drive/bike/etc so that you don't piss up it (and if you do, you get turned over to the law)."
So cameras justify more cameras?
Let me ask you who are so optimistic about this two questions: Where do you want it to stop? When are you going to ask for surveillance in "problematic" homes to reduce domestic violence or child abuse?
What you willingly abet in creating in is an atmosphere of total paranoia, where everyone sees everyone else as a possible perpetrator. Instead of communicating you opt for watching each other and instead of solving society's problems at the root you just want the symptoms to go away.