I remember some of the older geezers (the real UNIX grey beards) reminiscing over the PET when the Amiga was still king. They had fond memories. I was a bit too young at the time and was still drooling over Princess Leia (or was it R2D2) at the time. I love the Deep Thought photo.
A built-in cassette deck? How modern. Clearly Commodore didn't want any of this mucking around with cassette leads like we had to with the Speccy. It wasn't until the CPC when Sir Alan slapped a deck onto the side of his carbuncle.
I still have a Tatung Einstein and several Speccys and ZX81s around somewhere. The Amigas are still a joy to use. Doing stuff the upstarts of today can only dream about. Linux is the closest I'll ever get to the robustness and flexibility of the Amiga...
When I were a lad we used to 'ave to squeeze subroutine in't 100 bytes, graphics, sound an all, using hand crafted assembler, an't use ROM image for random numbers. And still have bytes left. Try you try telling that to the kids of today... and they won't belief you.