I could ask whats the IT angle but...
Well asking whats the IT angle I guess would be plain pointless but another Star Trek movie. I dunno hey, part of me thinks it could be pretty good of cause its never good to milk an old cow
The roster of thespos lined up to grace the eleventh celluloid outing of Star Trek now boasts Winona Ryder as a young Spock's mum, the BBC reports. For those of you who aren't up to speed on the casting details for the upcoming trekkie epic, it will feature Karl Urban as Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Eric Bana as villain Nero, John …
If your able to get to Burbank this Saturday, and fancy being a young starfleet cadet, or tight clothed Vulcan, this is your chance...
Open casting call for extras, as the article states -
Everyone must be thin, athletic, fit; wardrobe will be form-fitting.
Which I'm sure all the techie people reading this correspond to ::cough::
But more reassuringly...
Talent with interesting and unique facial features such as: long necks, small heads, extremely large heads, wide-set eyes, bug eyes, close-set eyes, large forehead, short upper lip, pronounced cheekbones, over- or undersized ears and/or nose, facial deformities, ultra plain-looking people, ultra perfect-looking people, pure wholesome looks, twins, triplets, emaciated talent, regally poised and postured talent, or other visually unique characteristics.
Now that we might be able to do...
Live long and all that..
Nero? That is about as subtle as a crowbar upside the skull.
Just in case any viewers manage to construe Sulu or Scotty or Uhuru as the villain, we'll have "Nero - I'm the villain, yoohoo, it's me - Nero! The villain!".
I'm not as well versed as some in Roman history, but was Nero even a villain? Wasn't he more incompetent than malicious?
"I'm not as well versed as some in Roman history, but was Nero even a villain? Wasn't he more incompetent than malicious?"
I'm afraid that morally, there appears to me to be no difference between incompetence and malice. In order to be incompetent (rather than just accident prone) you need to be dishonest and attempt to fool at least yourself. This is why the poor have always been looked down upon because lack of success is an indicator for dishonesty. ("Cheats never prosper!")
The difference seems to be that the malicious person chooses who they hurt. The incompetent does not care who they hurt. They are both villains!
"was Nero even a villain"
He was just plain insane.
"This is why the poor have always been looked down upon because lack of success is an indicator for dishonesty."
I don't know what are the rules in the western part of Europe, but for example in Hungary, the indication of dishonesty is success. All the political leaders in power and all the rich businessman are dishonest. The prime minister even admitted lying and cheating to win and he still got to keep his seat.
ps: If someone with a less than perfect figure wants to be in a star trek movie, he just have to take a klingon role. They tend to be on the bigger side and are mostly covered in armor.
Quote: Well, the lad burned Rome to ashes... dunno what that makes him to you, but 'villain' sure comes to mind for me.
As far as I know, he didn't. He tried to save it from the conflagration.
Also, I'm sure many of the people subjugated by Rome, e.g. the Jews, would have thought that Rome merited a good burning or two - whatever it did for civilisation in general.
you really need to brush up on your history. Nero most assuredly did NOT try to SAVE Rome from the conflagration.
Nero wanted a new Rome, wanted to do away with the dirt, filth and grime in the streets of old Rome (not actually a bad idea in itself), and he did what any lazy, insane nutcase would do : he tried reformatting.
And, if you manage to read enough History, you'll even learn that Nero actually took a harp and sang from his balcony while Rome burned.
Go ahead and look it up. I'm sure even Wackypedia has that part right.
>> But more reassuringly...
>> Talent with interesting and unique facial features such as: long necks,
>> small heads, extremely large heads, wide-set eyes, bug eyes, close-set
>> eyes, large forehead, short upper lip, pronounced cheekbones, over- or
>> undersized ears and/or nose, facial deformities, ultra plain-looking
>> people, ultra perfect-looking people, pure wholesome looks, twins,
>> triplets, emaciated talent, regally poised and postured talent, or other
>> visually unique characteristics.
>> Now that we might be able to do...
I reckon I could tick all those boxes on my own. Shame I am not in California.
Quote:you really need to brush up on your history. Nero most assuredly did NOT try to SAVE Rome from the conflagration.
Zzzz. Yes he did. So there.
P.S. BTW there were frequent large fires in Rome, this one was a bit bigger. Nero was away at the time and came back to try and organise fighting the fire. The report by Tacitus is not credible as he was a boy at the time of the fire and he wrote his account much later under another Emperor so dissing an earlier one was a popular move. Nero used the aftermath of the fire to replan Rome and deflected any criticism by blaming the Christians for the fire (and feeding them to the lions) - but that doesn't mean he set Rome on fire.
".... they picked her & not 7 of 9.... ah well"
how could Spock's mum be a Borg though? that wouldn't work - you'd need some kind of space-time continuum mix up for that to happen.
Great Scott !!! there's a perfect movie cross-over to have Marty McFly as the Captain of the Enterprise
"No Klingon calls me chicken!!"
p.s. i like the way all you die-hard Trekkie geeks are posting as Anon and not admitting to being the card-carrying pointy-ear-wearing geeks you are :-D
<puts on pointy ears and goes into geek mode>
typical ludicrous retconning as exemplified in the dreadful Star Trek: Enterprise, taking diabolical liberties with established stories and characters. From the very beginning it was clear that Spock was older than Jim and Bones and was serving on the Enterprise before they were, under Chris Pike (and possibly even Robert April)
It was also established in DS9 Trials & Tribblations that Dax met Bones whilst he was a Starfleet medical student, but she'd never met Kirk or Spock before.
At least Zachary Quinto looks a bit like Spock and has sufficient gravitas to carry the role; Winona Ryder looks nothing like Jane Wyatt who played Amanda and all you'll see is Winona Ryder, not the character. It's going to be awful, I'd rather stick to ST: New Voyages, at least they keep to the established characters and events.
Are Berman/Braga producing this? no wonder it's a mockery then.
<argh! my ears won't come off!>