back to article Six-month hangover for 60-pint Scotsman

A 30-year-old Glaswegian has suffered what may go down in history as the greatest hangover west of the Mississippi - a six-month headache induced by sinking 60 pints over four days. According to The Lancet, the unnamed man presented himself in a Glasgow A&E last October complaining of "wavy" vision and a relentless headache he …


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  1. JP
    Paris Hilton


    Having taken a month before turning up to see the doc, and being prescribed the 6 month treatment, it was a 7 month hangover?

  2. Stewart Knight

    60 Pints... is that all!

    That only equates to 15 pints per day, the wee sissy girl!

  3. Ian Drake
    Jobs Horns

    East is East, West is West, and Editors don't know one from the other.

    Glasgow is slightly EAST of the Mississippi.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I Bet

    he no longer drinks Carling Black Label!


  5. Anonymous Coward

    My geography must be crap...

    ...'cos I'm sure Glasgow is east of the Mississippi.

    "A 30-year-old Glaswegian has suffered what may go down in history as the greatest hangover west of the Mississippi "

    Or maybe it depends how *far* west you go...

  6. Mickey Porkpies

    Self Service

    seeing as this guy has clearly got as many brain cells as pints he had drunk I would have let him take himself out of the gene pool.

  7. Anonymous Coward


    >> a six-month headache induced by sinking 60 pints over four days.

    >> presented himself in a Glasgow A&E last October complaining of "wavy" vision and a relentless headache he'd been suffering for more than a month.

    >> Cue six months of blood-thinning treatment before the chap's vision returned to normal - and his headache finally subsided.

    If 1+ months before treatment sought, then had 6 months of treatment and then finally the headache was cured, surely he had the headache for 7+months.

  8. Anonymous Coward

    Where do you journos live?

    'west of the Mississippi'.

    'Two-buck hussy' (yesterday's stripper story).

    I know you can do better than this.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I find it hard to remember how many pints I've had on a big night out (I guess about 10 worked out from the money spent). After 60 I think I'd forget who I was never mind how many pints I drunk.

  10. Maverick
    IT Angle

    I claim . . .

    the 1st "where's the IT angle here?"

    God forbid that the Reg is implying that alcohol consumption is dear to heart of any IT dude !

  11. Daniel Bennett


    What JP Said.

    Also, sure his headache wasnt caused by his illness affecting his eyes?

  12. MrWeeble

    Has Glasgow moved?

    Last I heard it was a considerable distance east of the Mississippi.

  13. Anthony Chambers
    IT Angle

    A Geography Lesson

    "A 30-year-old Glaswegian has suffered what may go down in history as the greatest hangover west of the Mississippi"

    I don't geddit? Without crossing date lines isn't Glasgow east of the Mississippi? Is this some odd saying that us Brits just won't get?

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Dead Vulture

    Old news

    Read this a while ago, thought el Reg would have covered it already so didn't bother to tip them off. Hmm, no 60 pints for me then:(

  15. Jon

    That depends..

    ... on when he sobered up!

    Aftr 60 pints I think I'd be unconscious for a month!

  16. amanfromMars Silver badge

    Can you?

    "unnamed man" ....... Can you think of anyone you know, whom you could see fitting the bill?

    That must have been one helluva trip on the mighty hop?

  17. Andromeda


    JP, have you been drinking as will because your title is slurred, surely.

    I'm not surprised he has domestic arguments if, when he does have one, he disappears for 4 days and is completely inebriated for the duration.

    Also after downing 60 pints how the hell could he remember exactly how much he had drank anyway.

    I'm just another grumpy old man.

  18. John M
    Paris Hilton


    When I was a lad, 60 pints were a quiet night out....

    Now, of course, more than 2 pints and I spend half the night in lav, and all the next morning suffering a raging headache.

    The Paris Icon, because after several pints, I probably would.

  19. Anonymous Coward

    Big girls blouse

    Only 60 pints ???

    What a woose, I thought he was Glaswegian ??? :-)


  20. Danny Traynor

    60 pints in 4 days??

    Doesn't sound that much? It's only 15 pints a day :)

  21. Christopher Rogers

    You lot are annoying

    The location of Scotland in relation to the Mississippi is of no importance here. The guy got very drunk and ruined hmself. There's the story. 15 pints a day for 4 days isn't enough to class him as an alco, but is still impressive, as is the nature of the damage caused!

    Maybe the Mississippi reference means to go west, i.e. covering the entire world....

    Who the fuck cares?

  22. garry
    Thumb Down

    OMG !!!

    I have got to admit with a few people on here 60pints covering 4 days is by no way alot, I have seen my girlfriends 15year old sister drink more than that. I do believe it may go down in the record books in America but not over here in England.

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Glasgow is both East and West of the Mississippi: due to the world not being flat (though this guy still managed to go over the edge). However Eastwards would be the quickest route starting from the Mississippi.

    60 pints? I'm nearly there already and it's only Friday

  24. bogsheet


    it is so utterly tragic to me that so many people comment by repeating the same thing stated previously... surely you guys can read that someone has already beaten you to the 'only 15 pints a day' (first post), 'east vs west' (second post) or the really clever 7 month mathematical calculation (third post)?!

    one sad mofo even repeats two of these in two separate posts as if they were his own clever and witty comments... but he shall remain anonymous.... the coward.

  25. Sweep


    well, i suppose if you head west from the mississippi you will eventually end up in Glesgae.

    60 pints though? what a big girl's blouse.

  26. Anonymous Coward

    not trying to sound hard but...

    it really isn't that much in that time frame. I've certainly had more alcohol over a couple of days, with no ill effects, (well apart from chronic liver damage etc)

  27. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    60 pints?

    This 'Wegie had better of been drinking pints of Bucky or I'm ashamed for the whole of Glasgow. 60pints of Broo (Special, not Irn) would maybe be acceptable in the absence of Bucky.

  28. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @Christopher Rogers

    Patently, we do.

  29. Vaughan Trevor Jones


    Stupid question here but how come didn't he end up in a coma?

  30. Dave Murray Silver badge

    Big Jessie!

    Sounds like a wee dram fae a quiet night in, the big jessie!

    Mind you if he went to the Southern I'm not surprised it took them 6 months to cure his hangover.

  31. John A Blackley

    Wha's like us?

    Oh dear, all of those "What, only sixty pints?" comments (I suspect, delivered by IT Nerds who go t!ts up after their third shandy).

    Scotland - the only place I know where men are proud of 'the weekend' meaning being a loud, aggressive, incomprehensible, "See you Jimmie", incontinent mess.

    BTW, the poor sod at Suffering General wasn't John Smeaton by any chance?

  32. Simon Reed

    @Vaughan Trevor Jones

    "Stupid question here but how come didn't he end up in a coma?"

    Because it was over 4 days.

    With a couple of years of practice and plenty of peer pressure, it is not that impressive. There's plenty of lads that can easily drink 15 pints a day for the duration of a 2 week holiday, never mind a bank holiday weekend.

    (Cue the 'peer pressure' puns.)

    However, given this bloke is a Glaswegian, you also have to bear in mind he was probably supping pints of heavy with whisky chasers. Now THAT's a bender!

    @Just for bogsheet - "mofo"? What sort of term of abuse is that? 15 pints a day. There, said it again, hee, hee.

  33. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    You don't comment much.

    Or you would know why so many repeated comments, the moderator tends to wait on them, so you can't see what others have written, there will no doubt be several comments saying what I am saying now. It's the price we pay for filtering out the spam. Fifteen pints a day, I have done worse, and faired better, but I won't do it any more.

  34. Law
    IT Angle


    Pick any weekend between 1998-2001 and I was at college/uni consuming this much over the weekend with the help of spirits/alcopops/beer... plus the occasional mosh-pit and dodgy kebab and I never threw up once.

    Flash forward 5-6 years (to last year) and I spent one night out downing high-unit cocktails, magners and beer.... must have got to what, the equivelant alcohol of about 20 pints (I downed 2 1.5ltr magners in 15 mins before even going out) in one night.. plus a chillie chicken pizza. That was my wifes birthday party... the next morning (her actual birthday) I threw up all over the flat and passed out all day leaving her to clean up..... what he did was not that impressive... but I would be damned if I'm going to prove him wrong these days! lol

  35. Steve Sorensen


    > Cue six months of blood-thinning treatment before [...] his headache finally subsided.

    Actually sounds like lots of aspirin and water to me but I'm no doc. Hangover treatment must truly be a fine art in Glasgow - based on much exhaustive research I'll bet.


  36. b4k4

    re: You don't comment much.

    <quote>the moderator tends to wait on them, so you can't see what others have written</quote>

    Are you defending the moderator? I thought he was too busy having a cuppa and looking at pr0n.

  37. paddy fields


    60 pints in 4 days averages 15 per day. What a wimp! That is a hang over cure for a "Glaswegian" after a quiet night out!

    Along with a few nippy sweeties too!

  38. John PM Chappell

    It's been said before but...

    ... sixty pints over four days is only an average of fifteen a day, which, whilst clearly a binge, is hardly a staggering amount, not in the UK and certainly not for a typical weegie or even a Scot elsewhere.

    For the record (and again not in the vein of boasting, per se) I used to consume considerably more than that rate, in spirits mostly, when I was at Public School and between thirteen and fifteen. Can't drink anything like that these days, at least partly thanks to such stupid levels of consumption, but mostly thanks to an inherited liver condition. Don't miss it as much as I thought I would though, in fact it's quite nice to have total recall and not cringe the next day.

    Along with other posters here, I feel it'd be nice if the rather silly Americanisms were dropped, at least on the .UK site, as they are not culturally relevant and tend to just annoy us. Glesga is well east of Mississippi, within the standard temporal and geographical frames of reference, the supposed hangover was at least seven, not six, months and I'm amazed they actually got round to seeing him before he expired.

    @Christopher Rogers: Clearly most of us do, personally, I find your whingeing a lot more irritating than the repeated posts :¬)

  39. Darkside

    Only 15 pints a day

    "... sixty pints over four days is only an average of fifteen a day, which, whilst clearly a binge, is hardly a staggering amount..."

    True. However, the original article says his symptoms were caused by dehydration, not by the alcohol itself. Alcohol makes you pee more than you should so prolonged boozing dries you out.

    What a boring post - I'll head for the pub.

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