Nokia 9300 / 9300i have a Recorder app...
Call recorder v 0.3 works just dandy and records calls to Nokia-native AMR format (readily converted to MP3/ OGG/ whatever).
Is it possible to record a phone conversation on the Apple iPhone? If not, which mobiles or PDAs are the best at recording phone calls?
I have had a variety of Communicators, 9000, 9110i, but nothing newer, and also 6310i. At least two of these allow call recording, probably the communicators and I would expect the newer versions (but check the otherwise fax-emasculated E90 carefully first in case they pulled this as well) to do so as it is a useful business function.
If you are looking at the iPhone, then this assumes that you wouldn't mind something else larger than the average phone and with more functions.
I too wish more phones had this, my 3 year old Ericson F500i does (just hit a button during a call) and it was incredibly useful for reference as my mind tends to go blank during calls.
Alas, american influence (read: worries about lawsuits) in the boardrooms put paid to that, and every phone i've used since has only snapshot recording of 1 minute, and/or beeps during the call "to inform the caller that they are being recorded".
For fucks sake, i'm only recording an appointment date till i can get a pen, not spying on the pentagon!
I dunno about Ericsons nowadays, but forget about Nokias (without 3rd party apps), and as the iPhone is yank-made, theres NO bloody chance.