How to uninstall Quicktime from Windows . . .
It's not only Macs where it's difficult to uninstall Quicktime. On Windows it doesn't provide an uninstall link and does not appear in Add/Remove programs.
I would like to share this tip that I found in the Tech Support Guy forums:. Check to see if there's a file "uninstall.log" in the c:\windows\system32\quicktime folder. If there is, run the following command:
c:\windows\unvise32qt.exe c:\windows\system32\quicktime\uninstall.log
I run a network of nearly 100 business PCs. At least half of them came with QT installed or have had it added by users. Since the proliferation of QT vulnerabilites I have used this command to remove QT wherever I find it. It has worked every time. I ignore the dire warnings and "Remove Everything" - no problems yet!