The Reg is doomed!!!!!
If it weren't for the unsuitable apostrophe's, grammer and spelling dodgy.
Software that can show news publishers if, and where, their content has been copied online has been launched. Called Attributor, the program, designed by a California start-up of the same name, has been tested by AP and Reuters for the last six months. Reuters began using it for real in September. The software looks for big …
"3Par issued today new software into divides the hypothesized equipment which the InServ array ingredient opens. But is not depends upon the storage resources physics and the manual separation, the 3Par's new true domain software use logic divides into. The technology permits each domain dynamically by the weight size, when retained each part of security to separate by the firewall."
I like it.
"The Reg is doomed!!!!! "
"If it weren't for the unsuitable apostrophe's, grammer and spelling dodgy."
Anyone else think there might be a link between these quotes?
"...That, in about a years time, most news aggregator sites will have embraced the same grammar and spelling in vogue amongst Viagra spammers."
"It also checks (...) how many visitors the site gets"
Um, by the way, has this page count issue been finally resolved in a scientifically-approved manner ?
Or are page counts still an art of approximation and ego-inflation ?
Because if they are still imprecise, then somebody is going to be bothered for more than he's worth.
Not really fair, is it ?