Teflon top cop, more like Teflon copers,
A quick look at the propaganda campaign in the immediate aftermath of the shooting is VERY interesting, the police had planed to lie about what happened big time...
let's reread the article posted by the BBC on the day of the shooting.....
One of these witnesses accounts looks a little out of place now.
Commuter Anthony Larkin, who was also on the train at Stockwell station, told 5 Live he saw police chasing a man.
"I saw these police officers in uniform and out of uniform shouting 'get down, get down', and I saw this guy who appeared to have a bomb belt and wires coming out and people were panicking and I heard two shots being fired."
sounds like a film script doesn't it, but who is "Anthony Larkin"
A quick google of name Anthony Larkin revealed one who happened to work for the Metropolitan Police's forensics department.
The police continued for some time after the shooting to make out that the person they had murdered was connected to the bombers, funny how now no longer fits what they saying about it all being a terible misunderstanding, a innocent case of mistaken identity.
However at the time they tried to portray him a suspicious character, with an an out-of-date visa and a connection to the bombers.
Funny how the story's changed now that people have forgotten what they read back then. With police force like that slash the budget, I say we are safer without them.