Who's the first
....to suggest they call it Virgin Airlines?
Singapore Airlines has asked cash-flush customers to refrain from making the beast with two backs while enjoying its A380 private suites between Singapore and Sydney, Reuters reports. The airline's shiny new aircraft boasts 12 such suites with double beds, but the company has slapped a ban on couples joining the mile-high club …
So I pay close to eight grand for a plane ticket. I get a private room with a double bed. My wife and I settle in, drink some champagne, watch a film yada yada yada. Sorry but we're going to have sex. What in the blue hell does the airline think it's going to do about this? Heck if we keep it down how are they going to know? Bounce measurement of some sort? I can hear it now:
"Sex in the private suites is strictly forbidden on all our flights. It is a federal offence to tamper with the sex detector under the bed."
Perhaps it's a necessary measure. You never know, terrorists might invent a new way of dangerously mixing two fluids if this is left uncheked, after all.
Utter nonsense.
The statement: "All we ask of customers, wherever they are on our aircraft, is to observe standards that don’t cause offence to other customers and crew" is not saying no sex, just it should not offend.
Can we assume that the 1st class traveller's kit will now have a gag (as well as the traditional blindfold) to keep the noises down during turbulant activity?
"French design at its best
By Anton Ivanov
Posted Thursday 1st November 2007 11:52 GMT
Double bed, personal cabin and no noise proofing...
Somehow I do not think we would ever see that being shipped by Boeing..."
One must be pretty stupid, like in "watching-fox-propaganda-on-surrendering-monkeys-stupid", to utter such crap.
First point is, obviously Boeing was actually not able to deliver a plane that could support suites, so they would in any case be unable to do the mistake.
Second, A380 is not french but franco-germano-something, just like Airbus is far from being simply a french company (and I might even add thanks for that fact as it would not be so successful if french only). I guess it makes it easier for you to live with your prejudice though, so go ahead (until the time you realize Airbus is actually a great company, that day it will at the very least become suddenly at the very least german in your mind, or even american somehow).
Third is, Airbus has actually not much to do with noise-proofing the A380, for the very simple reason that each airline asks of outside companies the equipment to fill the plane (for instance Zodiac is contracted by the airlines themselves to do the seats for the vast majority of planes).
As a consequence, whether perfect or completely crappy, the actual way the suites are handled has nothing to do with Airbus, much less with the french.
Please turn Fox News on again instead of posting, it will people a service.
Okay, I was speed-reading so somebody tell me where - in this story - at says that Singapore Airlines asked people to not have sex.
I saw where it said that they'd like people to refrain from indulging in behavior likely to embarass.
Were I to read that, I'd take it as an okay to have sex but to not involve the dog, not scream (repeatedly), "Yes! Yes! Take me now you horned god!" and not enjoy my pre-sex warm up of doing naked press-ups in the corridor outside my cabin.
Not that I would ever do any of those anyway.
Whats with the yankee hatred of the french!?
if it wasnt for the french backing those colonial terrrorist in the 1770's for thier own imperialistic aim of undermining the British Empire Mad King Georges Hanovarian (thatsGerman to you americans) troops and the Britisih Red Coats would have whipped you back into line, but no the French intervend and helped you out!
it then gave you that oversized rusty green doll to put in new york harbour!
and ironically, following independance and the break from the commonwealth you all nearly ended up speaking proper german (opposed to erstaz german spoken by the English) luckily for you you voted to keep the English
i think you should read
and as for planes,
you americans have been sulking ever since the brits and french developed concorde and now your sulking over the A380!
and to think that both the cheese eating surrender monkees and the
loud mouth all trousers no action yankees
both signed the the Kellogg-Briand Pact outlawing war??????? who would have thought that
Strange -- I read Anton's comments as being rather flattering regarding French and their love of love-making. I thought it was the Septics and their prudish nature he was having a dig at.
Perhaps you have a chip on your shoulder? Or should that be a pomme-fritte?
For the record, I'm a stiff-upper-lipped, sexually-repressed Rosbif.