Of course Ofcom is a problem
Any organisation formed by pushing together all sorts of disparate regulatory matters, like Ofcom, would be a problem. How on earth do you balance the differing needs of RF spectrum allocation, stopping the dominance of the incumbent telco, and ensuring that broadcast television programmes meet the necessary standards of taste and decency?
Could our "government in Brussels" do any better? Well, given their proven track record with agriculture, civil and military aviation, satellite GPS, civil liberties, to name but a few, I would venture to suggest that the only improvement they could bring is to spend more money, and to do it less efficiently. Have you noticed recently that whatever the question, the answer is always "more Europe"?
Once we have such an EU regulator, acting as Ofcom's boss, just how easy would it be for Prodi's Italian suggestion to "make blogging easier" to find its way into EU law, and therefore applicable in the UK? As soon as this new (not a constitutional) treaty is signed, all leaders of Member States (eg the UK Prime Minister) will owe their principal allegiance to the EU, and not to the nation state that they lead! It says so in the treaty!
By all means, lets do something about Ofcom - break it up into the previous bodies, and refine them to meet our needs. More Europe is NOT the answer.