Nothing new under the sun?
I see these kind of articles are increasing occouring. There's element of FUD involved in them Fear Uncertainty Doubt. All that stuff about Windows & Viridian. You know Dianne is right these MS guys just DON'T GET IT. It aint about the platform (ESX, Xen, Veridian). The platform war is over. ESX won. All the MS guys are going to do is play a very slow catch-up. 180 days after Win2008 - really kicks MS offering into the very long grass... Where virtualization is going is into the management, availability and performance space - its called Storage VMotion, Continious HA and real VDI solution rather than cobbled together VDI that's on offer
I'm no market expert but if VMware is over-valued or over-hyped then surely this is the problem with stock-market - not VMware's problem. After all they have no control over the share price. If the stock market cannot correctly value company after the dot-com bubble then surely that's the markets fault. But dismissing VMware Virtualization is mere hype really missing the point. A smacks of kind of "nothing new under sun" view of the world. Sure virtualization isn't "new". Its a mature technology that's been around in Unix for donkey's years. In fact Dianne and Co worked on projects at Berkeley (Disco/SimOS). I'm sure they know that what they doing is not especially earth shattering. We not saving lives here guys. But it is new and radical - to the WinTel space. The paradigm of Intel+HW Vendor+Microsoft is (finally) being decoupled. That's great news for customers and shareholders alike. Sure, VMware could do a Novell - become arrogant, and assume they have right to print money. So in away we do need Xen & MS to offer competition and focus in the virtualization space.
Lastly - comparing Dianne to Bill Gates and Steve Bullmar. That's really funny. You know Dianne comes across not as some money grabbing "Gordon Geeko" type. But some one who realise her boat on the water is more likely to lead to happiness than paracuting in Africa with your billions and having a warm, happy and vacuious philophroic feeling afterwards... She sounds like a proper Californian!
Mike Laverick
RTFM Education