It is a very good headline...
Good as the headline is I don't think it quite matches up to "Cops Cuff Burning Burning Man Man". That is my favourite headline ever.
Cardiff cops launched a "major operation" yesterday after a half-naked Czech man climbed a tree, began "crying and howling like a wolf" and then refused to come down from his perch. Police moved swiftly to seal off the tree on the corner of Cathays Terrace and Maindy Road after local resident Martin Townley, 43, alerted them …
this seems symptomatic of a growing endemic in the UK. Why close the fuppin road for one fuppin nut up a tree! The next overly officious little sod that damns (sic) our transport network for no good reason should be tied to the nearest high street and used as a speed bump.
Plus the fuppin nut just wants attention, fiver says if people just ignored him he'd get bored after a while and go elsewhere. If not, I've seen how they get big dumb animals down from trees on the discovery channel. Trampoline and a tranquiliser gun. For an added bonus film it for 'You've been framed' and use the money to buy engraved bullets for the worthelss road-closing meatsack!
It said he tried to take his trousers off in the Reg article too. That was actually why I thought I'd make a kind of "joke" around the perception that there's so much shagging in the popular television series "Torchwood," which is also based in Cardiff, which is where this story originated. Trousers are long tubular garments used to clothe the lower half of the body, usually removed or at least loosened in the act of sex. Poland is an Eastern European country. Trees are the large brown things which have leafy green bits at the top for most of the year, but not right now.
If there's anything else in this article that goes completely over your head, do be a love and keep it to yourself.
tell me they have to prioritise, and protection of life and limb comes first, I'll have to see if I can find any half-naked one-legged dancing Lithuanians for them to protect round here.
Meanwhile, one of my favourite headlines had to be the one that read "Foot Heads Arms Talks". Work it out (some knowledge of UK political history will help).
""When I shouted at him a bit to try and tell him to be quiet, he said ‘that’s a bit inappropriate’."
Clearly, a dangerous man on the verge of snapping. I wonder exactly how that plays out in your head:
"Awwoooo! Awwoooooo!"
"Hey, keep it down, you lunatic."
"Well, blimey, mate, that's a bit inappropriate then innit? Maybe have a cuppa. ... ... AWWHOOOO! WOOOAAAWOOOO!"
Can't really see it. I guess that's why I don't go up in trees half naked and howl.
my chance to win a metro ...........
"Skolar claims tree in Praguematic response to homelessness."
did i win , did i win ?
look if i did win , y'know if there can be any doubt ?
can i have a beige one ( i think it was called "sahara gold" )
smashing .
'Ere , dont be moaning about the sponging immigrants.......
they just aspire to the lifestyle of those who "run the country"
using pretty much the same methods........but it doesn't
bother me because i have a new Metro , ah , safe
in my little bubble , Oui , le Sahara Gold est tres chic n'est ce pas.
Yes, I was wondering as well why the police farce always have to act like complete tarts in these situations. They just seem to get their jolley by closing down roads, and transport systems in general, at the slightest provocation. Two juicy examples come to mind:
Was this dopehead killed on the tracks ? Nope. So why couldn't the police just require trains not to stop at that station ? Not dramatic enough, obviously.
2. When the M25 fuel price protests were on, the Police helped by prohibiting car traffic from using the outside lane `to keep it free for emergency services'. That was just SO helpful, wasn't it ?
knowing Cardiff, it would probably of been more like
"What the F*** are You doing You *U**ing *u*t? You Better F*** **f before I Kick yer F**king Head in F***ing T**T"
at which point the Czech would have snapped out of his Mushroom induced trip to respond
thats a bit inappropriate isn't it?