Organic GM Crops,
Who exactly would buy an item of food marked "Genetically Modified food, Organically Grown"?
Nobody. Your target market is zero. You can barely sell Genetically Modified food to the regular consumer, let alone the people who want to pay more for natural food which is what they're after when the buy 'Bio' stuff.
So that could only ever work if you can disguise the GM nature of the food, mislabeling, non labeling, using some sort of fancy logo that doesn't convey the meaning....
My view on this is clear and simple. Natural genetic changes are small and slow and tested for survival by natural selection. We have a minimal risk with that, the crop has a good chance of survival and likely to have been well tested by nature.
Even so, occasionally a new pest arrives like Potato Blight and nations starve.
GM changes are very much larger, the testing time is much shorter than happens in nature and the selection process is for profit not for survival. Which is great for the companies, but puts our food supply at risk if they've screwed up.
They cause a far higher risk of a surprise failure in our food supply, and that's more important than Monsanto profits.