3rd party app
I think there is a 3rd party app called Traktor or something that does it... I remember looking through its details and actually reading the condition, freaking not cool stuff in it!
Facebook staff can not only look at any profile on the site, they can also see which other profiles that user has been looking at. Snooping at other people's profiles is part of the joy of the site, but most of the joy was knowing you could do so in private. But according to Valleywag Facebook staff can easily see what you've …
So admins can access everything on the site and staff can access any profie. How is this different from any other computer system? I would have thought this would be a requirement for policeing the site if reports on the number of sex offenders and kiddie fiddlers on the site are to be believed
Why should staff at facebook be any different to staff at any other internet connected company. Shouldnt they also have the oppotunity to get a rightious bollocking from managers for spending all day messing around on social networking sites when they should be working? I suspect that accessing facebook profiles during work hours and still keeping your job is a "staff perk" at just about any company.
Like eating all the chocolate you can eat when you work in a chocolate factory until you hate the tase of chocolate, I am pretty sure that you can only look at so many pictures of kittens, holiday photos, dumbass teenagers pulling faces into their web cam, sadly tarted up cars, peoples mobile phones and groups of anonymous idiots drunk out of their skulls at parties and night clubs before you want to do physical harm to someone or something. Likewise, reading the mundane day to day happenings of thirty something housewives stuck at home with the kids or the untold pages of teenage angst and irelevent drivel would, I imagine be more like reading the paperback version for the TV show "big Brother" after a while.
There is a big difference between being able to and actually wanting to. Any sysadmin can tell you that.
I would also suspect that some kind of tool that tracks who see's what when and where would also be a requirement for the same reason as above.
Knocking up such an application would not be too difficult either. All it needs to do is read back the site logs filtering on a username or IP address and what it accessed, something that all web sites can do anyway and databases are capable of if you turn on auditing.
You can do all of the above anonymously because you tell your system not to log access by members of the administrators group. Technically difficult this aint.
This isn't rocket science and is only news to the kind of dumbf*ck who puts their entire life up on facebook for all to see and then thinks that only the people they want to see it can see it.
"I would have thought this would be a requirement for policeing the site if reports on the number of sex offenders and kiddie fiddlers on the site are to be believed"
Exactly when have facebook ever policed the bloody thing? All I read about is Facebook denying ALL culpability for any content on their site or any grievances caused by said content.
They just want a good giggle.
Provided that they are not taking personal information from these profiles to forward to their mates who don't even work there................
(regardless of what people are stupid enough to post)
If that is the case, then it's a little more serious. If it's not..see above.
Staff can look at profiles and this is a big deal? OH NO! Someone knows you have a crush on Jane's boyfriend Billy! OMG! The world is ending!
Your ISP can see every connection you make if they want to look. Every nt company has a back door built in...start with any copy of Windows since Win98.
People are stupid. They still expect absolute privacy on the internet. Worring about Face Book staff snooping is akin to leaving your diary in the library and then being pissed because someone read it.