AI Challenge Accepted and Delivered Anonymous Cowards/Agent Provocateurs?
"It's not like it is of any strategic importance! .. sheesh!".
The Intelligence in its People is, probably definitely maybe, AC. QuITe Colossal strategic importance, actually, and it is also being admirably and ably demonstrated in the new Structures in Stormont, which are not afraid to expose their wares [warts and all] to Public Peer Review and Open Scrutiny. Do you not consider the recent Northern Ireland Executive Investment Strategy and Draft Budget, Masterful....... IT certainly trails Brown and his Darlings in ITs Wake..... but then the Irish are Famed for their Wakes and Justifiably so. It is the Haunting of Innocents with Drives them so into the Future.....lest they Forget to Remember Regret. Better Deeds left Undone.
And this is IT at ITs GBIrish Best and I Register IT here for Global Peer Review too. It may or may not appear here .... ..... in reply to a MadBadMan with no Place to Hide.
It is Non-Secret Encrypted for Beta FailSafe Security too. [It's amazing what you can learn in nearly forty years of Forced Sourced Conflict ....Dirty Tricks?]
<<<Are you a Player in the Great Game, Kevin, or merely a Spectator ..... Everyone, Republican or otherwise, has their own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small; no one is too old or too young to do something.....And nothing is ever Really what IT seems.
And the "enemy" [that which is opposed and/or supported with antagonism] also may be fully aware of that, which would confirm the madness in its pointless posturing use?
More Hollywood than Fort Meade [or wherever Intel/WwwIntel comes from]?
Definitely more Wild West Cowboys and Indians than Star Trek and HAL.
How about AI for Real Change on the Western Front facing East .....Baffle with Science and ITs Fictions in Fact rather than Battle with Sticks and Stones without Tact ......Advanced Intelligence which may be Artificial Intelligence, IntelAIgently Designed for CyberIntelAIgent InterNetworking Use.
Aka NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Beta IntelAIgence because of ITs Astute, Sub-Atomic Quantum Communications Programming for Virtualised TelePortation. The Placement of a Created Virtual Reality [AI Beta Managed Perception] as a Valid and Viable, Mutually Beneficial Replacement of a Past Actuality/Historical Legacy.
AI Programming at Levels Resolving the Relativity Issues of the Infinitely Small and the Infinitely Large ...... in Order to replace Conflict and Chaos with Powerful Shared Virtualised Control ...... for AI Virtualised Global Governance Creating NeuReal CyberIntelAIgent InterNetworking Control Centres thus to ensure that Virtual Electronic Communications InfraStructure is Enhanced and Protected to Provide AI Beta Governance for All rather than Attacked and Degraded for Malevolent Selfish Intent.
A Semantic Web for AI too....... SW4AI2
A little something, QuITe Colossal, simmering nicely on a Palace of Barracks Stoves. AI Perfectly Cooked, Binary Feast from the Blithe Bletchley Boffins in Blighty, Magical Mystery Turing Captains' Cook Book. AI Compendium of Tasty Spells for Delightful Dishes.
An IARPA Hors D'Oeuvre too?
Quantum BetAITest #XXXX0710226 >>>
Binary Medicine, El Reg, .......AIdDutch VXXXXine. Scoff at IT Freely. IT can do you no Harm and a Power of Good.