We are going to be a Nintendo household
I just ordered my fiancees birthday present last night which is a DS, and yes, she asked for it. We have a Wii already and I use my home PC for "proper" gaming. There's no reason at all that you need a home media centre, the idea has been floating around since the 90s and hasn't come to fruition. People aren't really buying into HD yet, and there's still the question of what if Blu-ray becomes the HD loser? There will be one clear favourite in 5 years, and with films such as Transformers targetting HD-DVD I'd say it's got more longevity at the moment even though I originally put my money on Blu-ray.
I think Nintendo are just going to spend the next few years R&D on a next gen console, and adding hardware to the Wii (balance board, light sabre, etc.) which I'm quite happy with.
I do like Sony and the original Playstation led to many nights of fun, but they're in a too little too late situation, and unless those killer games come out in the next 4 months I don't see any way back for them.