or stfu
An Oz barmaid who splendidly "entertained customers" in a Western Australia hotel by "crushing beer cans between her bare breasts" has been fined A$1,000 dollars (£439) for a breach of the Liquor Control Act. According to the Telegraph, 31-year-old Luana De Favari admitted flashing her chesticles twice at patrons of the Premier …
When I was a lot younger and at college we would while away our spare time eyeing-up the females. We came up with clasification for mam sizes.
1) Titties.
2) Boobies.
3) Breasts.
4) Jugs.
5) Gazongas.
Then some one chucked in "Anything more than a handful is a waste", at which point we all looked at our hands and realised we all had different sized hands. The solution was we invented the BSH that's the British Standard Handful. (34C, slightly bigger than my hand). Someone also said "Anything more than a mouthful is a waste" but that could apply other things as well, so it got binned
"The woman 'is alleged to have also crushed beer cans between her breasts during one of the offences', in breach of hotel licensing laws, police from the Peel district of Western Australia said."
I think it's wonderful that their hotel licensing laws specifically forbid mammary-assisted beer can crushing. These Aussies think of everything.
nice to see that us Aussies get a fair reporting on a pommy website. As an ex-Pom-who-has-seen-the-light-and-become-an-Aussie I am digusted at the level of "negative" reporting by the Reg.
Anyway on to more important stuff. Does anyone have her phone number, think we need to invite her over here to Queensland to invesitgate wether ...um ... it is still a crime in this state.
Oz barmaid adored for crushing beer cans between jubs
Oz barmaid rewarded for crushing beer cans between jubs
Oz barmaid celebrated for crushing beer cans between jubs
All seem to make more sense to me - poor girl was doing her bit to reduce the transportation volume of empty beer cans on their way to recycling (or to take less landfill space - your choice) and tried to retain her modesty with teaspoons so as not to offend.
I also vote for the 'oi Lester, where's the pic, then?' icon
i've lived in Aus. Even in the downtown bars of Kings Cross, Sydney, the bars had dustbins filled with cans in iced water. No taps. No optics. And the fascists charged a dollar to open one. It was cheaper to get into conversation with a hooker - the barman would open cans for her for nothing.
Fantastic country. Sadly i'm too old to emigrate now.
What the hell is this country coming to (not that WA is really classed as part of Australia, it's so bloody far away!) when a sheila can't get her gear off to to help Planet Ark and their recycling efforts.
And, how about the police actually get off the backsides and catch REAL criminals in their spare time instead of drinking at the pub. I bet they don't get screened for the "random" breath test on the way home.....
this kind of thing used to be pretty commonplace in West Oz's mining towns.
Some of the girls were local celebrities, and had their 'signature' tricks. But the moral Fascists decided that hard rock miners would be corrupted and led astray by the sight of feminine flesh (being a long way inland and away from public beaches where such is displayed freely and often so that exposure might lead to desensitization) and required the enforcement of laws from the previous century.
To make matters worse, a local businesman and pub owner, got the license to run an actual strip joint... whereupon other pubs - not belonging to this entrepenuer, tended to become subject to complaints to the morality gestapo whenever the girls working in them happened to flash a nipple or display some buttock.
Its a tragedy, another cultural artform being oppressed and effectively wiped out by small minded officials