Looks like
someone wearing a collared shirt, no tie and a jacket to me. Didn't know Mary was into "smart casual"... Thought she was more "robes and veils".
Ooo look! A publicity stunt.
Bidding on a Virgin Mary pebble simulacrum picked up on a New Zealand beach had this morning reached a rather silly NZ$26,700 on Trade Me after the owner declared she wouldn't take less that NZ50k for the mineralogical marvel. The Virgin Mary pebble The 1cm stone was discovered last year by Christchurch woman Lisa-Marie Corlet …
Jeez! (so to speak)
There's cash to be made from religious nuts!
Although, it looks like SANTA CLAUS to me: button nose, big moustache, white pointy beard, but with a shirt collar and fat necktie.
I suppose you could claim that anything is the Virgin Mary and someone, somehwere would believe you! For Cash !
What ever happened to simple " common sense" in trying to touch the Supernatural >>> why not get a pebble of your choice and paint it with a lady-like picture ( indelible of course} then flog it on ebay for big bucks or part exchange for a fibre optic Xmas tree ( only 8 weeks-ish to go ) a phalic alternative maybe ?
NZ's Catholic church. Spokeswoman Lindsay Freer said: "The church's approach [to purported Virgin Mary simulacra] is always very cautious because no one has ever seen Mary, so how would they know what she looks like?"
No one has ever seen Mary, huh? So, the Catholic church will be shutting down the grotto at Lourdes any day now, yes? Not to mention Fatima and all the other places. In fact, wikipedia lists 12 people who have "church approved Marian visions".
So does Lindsay Freer just not know what she's talking about, or is the Catholic church finally admitted what the rest of us have known all along, that all these visions of Mary/Jesus/Brian are just a load of old cobblers?