back to article Virgin Mary pebble provokes holy online bidding war

Bidding on a Virgin Mary pebble simulacrum picked up on a New Zealand beach had this morning reached a rather silly NZ$26,700 on Trade Me after the owner declared she wouldn't take less that NZ50k for the mineralogical marvel. The Virgin Mary pebble The 1cm stone was discovered last year by Christchurch woman Lisa-Marie Corlet …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Looks like

    someone wearing a collared shirt, no tie and a jacket to me. Didn't know Mary was into "smart casual"... Thought she was more "robes and veils".

    Ooo look! A publicity stunt.

  2. Lewa

    What she looks like?

    I presume she wouldn't look like a frumpy faceless collection of squiggles. Just throwing the idea out there.

  3. Anonymous Coward

    Is it real though?

    How do we know it's real? It could just be a celebrity look a-like ;-)

  4. Steve

    Le Chat

    I'm afraid it looks more like Phillipe Geluck's Le Chat


  5. Trevor Watt
    Thumb Down

    Virgin Mary?

    Looks more like Father Abraham of the Smurfs to me!

  6. Martin Harrower

    Looks more like......

    Miss Marple to me

  7. Matt Bucknall

    Right, that's it....

    I'm gonna spend the rest of the day trying to make Jesus toast......

  8. Steve Sutton
    IT Angle

    Nah, it's a copper....

    ....who's had his helmet mashed down over his head, all the way down to his neck

  9. Richard Neill


    Clearly, it's Tux.

  10. Nick Pettefar

    Was she


    Now, where did I leave my coat?

    PS Pebble+felt tips=NZ$50K?

  11. William Donelson

    A (religious) fool and his/her money are soon parted

    Jeez! (so to speak)

    There's cash to be made from religious nuts!

    Although, it looks like SANTA CLAUS to me: button nose, big moustache, white pointy beard, but with a shirt collar and fat necktie.

    I suppose you could claim that anything is the Virgin Mary and someone, somehwere would believe you! For Cash !

  12. Kane
    Paris Hilton

    Nope, it's a Marvel villain...

    Mysterio, in a suit. On his way to a job interview.

    Paris Hilton angle?

  13. Ed Jackson

    Looks more like.. to me.

  14. Sean Ellis


    Pure and simple.

  15. Dan Salter

    I'm thinking...

    Paddington Bear.

  16. pctechxp

    Anyone told

    This is the sort of crap they buy isn't it?

  17. TeeCee Gold badge

    It looks like....

    ....someone's dressed their knob in a shirt and taken a photo.

    Presumably when the Church pointed out that we don't know what the Virgin Mary looks like (I'm betting sort of dried up and decomposed meself) the word "dickhead" wasn't on their minds.......

  18. Anonymous Coward

    Looks like...

    ...she's read 'Lucky You', by Carl Hiaasens.

  19. Ferry Boat

    Exceptional Quality in a Fairer World

    Church woman - "The church's approach [to purported Virgin Mary simulacra] is always very cautious because no one has ever seen Mary, so how would they know what she looks like?"

    Don't stop them put statues up of her all over the place does it? Monkeys.

  20. Blubster


    My Arse.

    That's Father Christmas come early (if you'll pardon the expression). Mind you, he only does come once a year, and that's down a chimney. Poor bastard.

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Virgin maybe, Mary definitely not...

    It's a clit!

    Well, it certainly resembles the top end of one of those illustrations of the female external genitalia from old 70s sex-ed manuals. Wonder what's on the other side?

  22. anthony bingham

    Mary lives next door but one and is never stoned!

    What ever happened to simple " common sense" in trying to touch the Supernatural >>> why not get a pebble of your choice and paint it with a lady-like picture ( indelible of course} then flog it on ebay for big bucks or part exchange for a fibre optic Xmas tree ( only 8 weeks-ish to go ) a phalic alternative maybe ?

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down


    It's just a fricking ROCK! Big deal.

  24. Colin Sharples

    Catholic Church admits Lourdes was a hoax

    NZ's Catholic church. Spokeswoman Lindsay Freer said: "The church's approach [to purported Virgin Mary simulacra] is always very cautious because no one has ever seen Mary, so how would they know what she looks like?"

    No one has ever seen Mary, huh? So, the Catholic church will be shutting down the grotto at Lourdes any day now, yes? Not to mention Fatima and all the other places. In fact, wikipedia lists 12 people who have "church approved Marian visions".

    So does Lindsay Freer just not know what she's talking about, or is the Catholic church finally admitted what the rest of us have known all along, that all these visions of Mary/Jesus/Brian are just a load of old cobblers?

  25. John A Blackley

    Oh yes I do!

    "The church's approach [to purported Virgin Mary simulacra] is always very cautious because no one has ever seen Mary, so how would they know what she looks like?"

    I dated Virgin Mary for a while. This looks nothing like her. What? Oh THAT Virgin Mary. Sorry.

  26. Dave Edmondston

    Is it just me...

    ...or does she look like she's flicking the bird?

  27. Andy Harris
    Jobs Halo

    To those on the make

    just get yourselves one of these!

  28. paul

    It's all a croc !

    "no one has ever seen Mary, so how would they know what she looks like?"....if NOONE has ever seen her,therefore she never existed....proving this whole religion thing is a barrell of SHITE

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