how to deal with the ru55ians
the only way to deal with a company like that (which openly breaks international laws like that and is basically just pure scum, but protected by politicians and bribes and bought favours etc), is to cut off the whole of russia.
the rest of the world should annex russia from the phone system until its politicians get their act together enough to play ball and stop the child porn hosts and other scams. or maybe just st petersburg.
under that sort of pressure they will break under the anger of fellow russians. i mean, im sure most people are honest and decent, but they need to sort it out and stop spoiling it for everyone.
its kind of like the argument about muslims sitting by and saying that most of them are innocent and peaceful, instead of taking upon themselves to oust their disruptive element, seeing as they have the closest ties and best ability to do so. (or any other religion etc)
i dont like spamware and trojans and phishing scams and having to spend hours virus checking and fixing my non-IT-literate-relative's computers. wouldnt it be much easier for someone to just cut the whole place off for a bit?
for example like the Russ1ans did to the australian bank website.
read this
ps. yeah i know the activists will get a bit moany if we cut off russias communications, but if what VeriSign say is true ("Every major trojan in the last year links to RBN") then I think we certainly need to do something drastic and extreme.