Reverse logic... sucks!
While it's mildly funny watching governments racing to catch up with advances in communication, it proves they're a bunch of useless b@r$t@rds. I though the Echelon surveillance program might already be happily watching packets all over the net, watching what people download. If that doesn't already happen, our poor beleagured spooks are not as in control as the rumours they spread about themselves would have us believe.
And this state sanctioned malware. Should we accept Chinese malware because it's state sanctioned? Russian? American? Austrian? British? No, I don't think so.
And the public interest argument should apply to government computers. Governments have proved so incompetent, self -serving and crap, that they can't be trusted to hold secrets at all. So while they infest our computers with malware to try to "protect us", our clear duty is to infest theirs, to protect them from their own incompetence. So, malware may yet save the world.
And governments who overstep the mark in privacy intrusion should be chucked out, or at least have eggs thrown at them. Bye bye labour, it was quite nice at times, but I am finally sick of your bollocks, right to the back teeth.