gold warriors- leo wanta and 27 TRILLION
Hi all,
I wanted to highlight the possibility that these notes MAY have been genuine issues and the good old B of E is playing games.
I am a professional numismatist, with nearly 20-year’s experience- 12 of which in Asia.
I refer to Sterling Seagraves outstanding book- Gold Warriors: America's Secret Recovery of Yamashita's Gold.
Visit his site:
In this book, Seagrave tells the tale of billions in gold looted by the Japanese during WWII. He also touches upon a scheme where Japanese bonds were declared illegal (fake) saving them billions possibly trillions.
Think about it: With communist china massing on the Hong Kong border, what motive would the B of E possibly have for issuing currency? And are the potential mistakes plausible deniability?
In addition, there is another case concerning American Ambassador LEO WANTA, commonly known as the TRILLION DOLLAR MAN who was imprisoned for his part in a Regan scheme to destroy the Russian rouble. Again a diplomat who was imprisoned; how did he loose his countries protection?
Personally I DO NOT agree with every detail- accept the FACT that our governments screw us every single day, and the possibility does exists that these notes were once issued – legally or illegally to Chinese Nationalist.
It is so outrageous, it could be true.