more proof embryonic stem cells are a dead end
yet another advance showing donor stem cells are the way to go, not only morally but technically superior. maybe those who created a false controversy about current Administration policies towards stem cell research will try another propaganda tactic. The Fed has always been willing to finance research into donor stem cell projects, but for some reason the Hollywood elite are only happy if they can strip stem cells from fetuses and abortion remains. A huge breakthrough in Australia, and now this-where the embryonic camp's biggest production is theories and possibilities, focussing on harvesting and bitching that their lack of success is caused by some nebulous "vast right-wing (or christian, or whatever group they want to demonize) conspiracy".
No issues with rejection, no moral qualms, no concern of pandemic biological weapons compounds-a win win win situation. And no need to trot out Chris Reeve anymore whining about how only dead baby mojo can cure people injured by their own decisions and lifestyles.